Friday, January 7, 2011

Dive Bar Shirt Club: Lucky 13

I just got my fourth Dive Bar Shirt Club t-shirt, and we've infiltrated the West Coast with Lucky 13 in San Francisco! Here's what the bulletin had to say about the bar...

You expect to see it all at the edge of the Castro. This one shows its fangs early with retro graphics and a taste for red punch. Inside it's big and dark with candles casting shadows on the mysteries of getting lucky. The scuffed linoleum is a checkered flag to the racy walls postered in punk bands and painted with people and pets. It's an alternate cartoon universe where the bowser boy can eye the dark feline over a cool martini. The bar is long with beefy bartenders who purvey strong drinks and hundreds of esoteric brews at fairly tasty prices. They have free popcorn to keep you thirsty for more and a photo machine that makes mug shots as a reminder.

Or, as their Facebook page says more succinctly:

One of the best - booze,broads & beer joints in the city. Trashy,cool & a cheap date - ya can't beat this dive. . .

Lucky 13 (on Facebook):

Dive Bar Shirt Club:

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