Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Top Ten Cases: WWE 2010 Year-End Awards - One Time Internet Darling Who Most Turned off his IWC Fanbase

Realizing that I offered 10 categories for you to vote on for my Year-End Awards, I thought instead of revealing the results in one exceptionally long post, I'd draw it out over 10 days in the latest edition of Top Ten Cases. Today, I reveal my pick (and your vote) for the One Time Internet Darling Who Most Turned Off His IWC Fanbase.

My Pick: Matt Hardy
Actually, this was a really, really tough one as well, because a lot of people really came off badly in 2010. In the end, it basically came between Matt Hardy and Shane Helms, and the reason I gave Hardy the nod was because, initially, I think he had a stronger relationship with a larger fanbase. When you compare the outrage over his release in 2005 to the complete indifference to his situation in 2010, it’s rather remarkable. In his YouTube videos, Hardy was practically pleading with the IWC to chant his name (whether positively or negatively) at live events, and people responded with legitimate disdain. People (myself included) really, really wanted this guy to just shut up and go away. Aside from his (I assume) blind army of followers, when Matt was finally released, the reaction was either silent, or a sigh of relief as people hoped he was done stuffing himself down our throats.

And as much as Matt wants to act like he was just attempting to get himself fired, or he was trying to keep his name in the news during his no-compete period, he really came off as egotistical and borderline delusional. When he went on and on about protecting his “brand” and being mistreated and disrespected (despite appearing on television and PPVs more than most talent in his position), people were legitimately wondering if he had a firm grip on reality. And it also made some retroactively look back at the Matt/LIta/Edge situation – in which virtually everybody viewed Matt as the victim – and started to think that maybe Edge was onto something when he said Hardy is a total mark for himself, and that he’s constantly playing the “Matt Hardy character” in his personal life.

Don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t Matt any less of a victim, and there’s nothing wrong with displaying your professional accomplishments in your home (nobody would bat an eyelash if you displayed your medical diploma….but put up a replica title belt and you’re an egotistical mark). And I’ll be the first to admit that if there was ever an action figure likeness of myself, I would be the first person on line to buy it. The issue with Matt, I think, is when he posts YouTube videos as “Matt Hardy the person” and he’s speaking like he’s doing a wrestling promo. And how about all of those person pictures he posts, where he’s hanging out with friends, but still doing the “Version 1” or “Hardy Boys” figure pose? Those are instances in which I say, “Man, this guy is a total mark.”

Oh, and then there’s the “my weight gain was due to my intestinal issues” – wall while posting photos of hamburgers and other healthy food on Twitter. As well as the CM Punk rant video in which he’s drunkenly stuffing his face with French fries.

Matt debuted at TNA earlier this month, and it’s rather astonishing what a non-story it has turned out to be. Had this happened years ago, people would be chastising WWE for letting go of somebody with so much potential.

What you said – Matt Hardy
Surprisingly, Hurricane didn’t get any votes. Matt Hardy had the most, Jeff Hardy earned two votes, and Ric Flair earned one. There are a few people I wanted to include, but forgot, such as Joey Styles (who has also suffered to an extent due to his unfiltered Twitter comments, such as his outspoken political beliefs and spoiling the ending of one NXT episode) and Mick Foley (who tore apart WWE rather ruthlessly – and not completely justifiably – only for the company to turn around and help him promote his book without any profit or benefit to gain from it). But honestly, I don’t believe either of them would have won. And for what it’s worth, in the near future I do plan on posting my detailed thoughts on the Shane Helms/Shawn Michaels one person war of words.

Check back tomorrow to find out which WWE release was most shocking.

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