Sunday, March 20, 2011

How does Christian fit into WrestleMania?

It's been about a week since I've updated the blog so I thought I'd enter my first post on this year's WrestleMania. At last month's Elimination Chamber, Christian made a surprise return to assist his former partner Edge in an attack against Alberto Del Rio -- the man Edge is facing at WrestleMania, and the person who put him out of commission last year.

Over the past month, Christian has been a pretty consistent fixture in the Edge/Del Rio feud, arguably interacting with the challenger even more than Edge has. But what role will he ultimately play in the grandest show of them all? If you listen to the rumors, he's going to team with Big Show, Kane, and Kofi Kingston to take on the Corre in an eight man tag match. Yet with WrestleMania only two weeks away, Christian has had zero interaction with the Corre, and actually carries a clean victory over Del Rio.

Does the match turn into a three way, with Edge defending against both Del Rio and Christian? Or will Christian be left off the card altogether, only to turn against his former partner in the main event? Or will he be thrown into the mix with Big Show and Kane's war against Barrett, Jackson, Slater, and Gabriel? What do you all think?


Kyle Litke said...

I honestly don't know. I could see them turning it into a 3 way only because Christian actually got the best of Del Rio on Smackdown, which seems odd if a guy you aren't even planning on having in the world title picture is beating your #1 contender who is challenging for the belt at Wrestlemania.

I also don't think they want to push Christian that high (they've had plenty of opportunities and haven't even considered it before) which could mean he gets shoved into a Corre match. Stupid, I would think, but you figure they have to get Wade Barrett involved, and they probably won't leave the tag champs off the card completely, so a 4 on 4 match makes sense. Show, Kane, and 2 moe (Christian and Kofi I guess? I'm not at all interested in seeing that match but they're going to try to get everyone involved in Wrestlemania and that might be how they do it).

I guess you could also see Kofi defend against Christian.

The other possibility is Christian doesn't get an actual match at Wrestlemania but is in "Edge's corner".

Kyle Litke said...

If we assume Bryan and Sheamus get a match, and we assume Barrett, Show, and Kane are in some way involved in a match, are there any other people who should get a match at Wrestlemania but don't currently have one besides Kingston and Christian? I'm just trying to think of who else could feasibly be in an IC title match if Christian were to be involved in the Edge/Del Rio match and the Corre match was some kind of handicap match instead.