Saturday, October 29, 2011

Dive Bar Shirt Club: Koz's Mini Bowl

Better late than never, right? It's October 30th and I FINALLY got my Dive Bar t-shirt for the month of October. And with this crazy snow storm hitting us, and it appearing like I won't be able to go out for Halloween (leaving last night's festivities as the only one on my schedule), this is as good a time as any to post the photo and description:

Vintage duckpin bowling is hard to find these days which is why Koz's takes reservations for lanes over the phone. This makes sure kids in the neighborhood are on site for pin setting. They're employed to frantically reset the game before the next ball speeds down the alley. This granddaddy of today's bowling is popular because no matter how you've scored in the past, you will have great improvement over regular bowling. You're a powerful contender when you take on smaller balls and pins and a shorter alley. You'll feel like a giant. This will be an important advantage when you enjoy great lakes of what made Milwaukee famous.


Nick said...

I would like to purchase this shirt from you as I signed up for the club too late and missed my hometown bar. email me

Matt Basilo said...

I'm sorry to hear you missed out on your hometown bar! Unfortunately, these shirts are not for sale. Believe it or not, this is actually probably my favorite of all the shirts. I would recommend maybe contacting the Dive Bar Shirt Club directly and seeing if they have an overstock of prior shirts. You may be able to work something out. Good luck and thanks for visiting!