Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Uncovered Lost Survey

After one of my co-workers moved across the country, I had the (fun) task of cleaning out his office (as seen in my Birthday Diary). While going through some of the paperwork he had attached to his wall, I came across a Lost survey that was circulated amongst several other co-workers, all of whom watched the series. Based on the questions, I'm guessing that it was sent out after the fifth season premiere. So here, for your enjoyment, are the results of that survey. And I will let you know if I agree or disagree with the masses.

Which death of a character were you saddest about?
Winner: Charlie (9 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
Agree, obviously. The other choices were Boone (who received the two other votes), Mr. Eko, Shannon, and Alex (Ben's daughter). This one was an absolute no brainer. Charlie remains one of my favorite deaths in all of television.

Which of the following characters would you most trust to help you if you were in a dangerous situation with them?
Winner: Sayid (7 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
Hindsight is a beautiful thing, so I'd have to say I disagree here. The other options were Jack (who received the remaining four votes) and Ben. I would go with Jack.

Which camp would you have sided with? Jack's or Locke's?
Winner: Jack's (9 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
This is a really tough question. I mean, the barracks were really, really comfortable looking.

Do you "trust" any of the following people? Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, None of the above
Winner: None of the above (6 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
Call me a sucker, but I trusted Daniel from the get-go. Beard? Tie? Sounds like my style.

In your opinion does Hurley actually see dead people or is he hallucinating?
Winner: Actually sees dead people (8 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
I agree, only because he wasn't the only person who saw dead people. But this question isn't mutually exclusive -- isn't it pretty irrefutable that he did hallucinate his fake former psych ward friend?

Do you think you understand the situation involving Flight 815 at the bottom of the ocean and the other Flight 815 that crashed on the island?
Winner: Widmore staged it (9 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
I'm not going to use hindsight here. If I had more time, I'd go back to my reviews to see what I actually predicted, but I do think I had assumed that it was staged to stop people from trying to find them.

Do you feel there is still a story line concerning the fact that during Season 1 we were lead to believe Walt might be psychic in some way and also that Aaron's birth was of significance?
Winner: Yes, there's still a storyline

Agree or disagree?
It's particularly tough avoiding hindsight here. Liberally speaking, I do think there was a storyline with Aaron's birth -- just not as grand or significant as people assumed. Quite simply, he was a baby born on an island where people die giving birth. Walt, well, we know how that went.

In your mind is there any possibility Jin and/or Michael may have survived the explosion on the freighter?
Winner: No (5 out of 11 votes)

Agree or disagree?
Disagree! I long argued that Jin survived. My mentality was always that if you didn't see it happen, it didn't happen. They wouldn't imply such a significant death. Michael I always knew died.

So, what do you think? Do you agree or disagree with their/my thoughts?

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