Friday, April 30, 2010

A Case of the.... 24 - Episode 8-19

24 is a show that perhaps does not lend itself to reader feedback, unlike a discussion-encouraging series like Lost. But I’m very curious to find out what other viewers think about this conflict between Jack and President Taylor. While I don’t believe Taylor to be right, per se, I’m not sure I side with Jack either. And I think the motivation is what creates the greatest turmoil here. I don’t want to oversimplify things, but to a great degree I do believe that Jack is out for revenge, while Taylor truly believes what she’s doing is for the greater good. Like I said, I know it’s not that simple. I recognize that Jack DOES want justice, and that Taylor is subconsciously determined to use this peace agreement as a justification for all she had lost and given up.

But there just seems something hypocritical about Jack’s current stance. I mean, he’s already made attempts at getting two terrorists Presidential pardons in the past 24 hours. One of them was handling nuclear rods which would have taken countless lives. And the other played a pivotal role in having a foreign president murdered on our country’s watch. And hell, just earlier in the day he refused to turn over one man’s life – the aforementioned foreign president – to spare the lives of millions of innocent people. All because he takes orders from the president.

The reason I ask for the feedback is because I haven’t solidly sided with Jack, but I’ve been watching with my parents, and they would both repeatedly ask, “Why is she doing this?” when Taylor would counter Jack’s actions. Am I the only one who doesn’t see this issue as being so one sided?

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