Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dive Bar Shirt Club: Ray's Happy Birthday Bar

So for my birthday I treated myself to this cool thing I saw, I believe, in Maxim Magazine. It's called Dive Bar Shirt Club. Basically, for $20 a month, they send you a high quality t-shirt of a random dive bar they've visited throughout the United States, and they give you a little description on that bar. I love beer/bar related t-shirts, so this seemed like a really need gift (and for those of you curious, they have different installment plans. You can do 3 months, 6 months, a year, etc. And you can cancel your subscription or shirt size at any time).

Yesterday I received my first shirt, and I thought it'd be fun if I shared with my blog readers each shirt I get sent. The first t-shirt is from Ray's Happy Birthday Bar, in Philadelphia, PA. Here's a bit of information about Ray's, according to their website:

Ray's "Happy Birthday" Bar's popularity has continued to increase and gain publicity. The bar has won awards from the City Paper and has even been used as a location in the movies such as Explicit IIIs and the Nail , (The story of Joey Nardone). Photos of legends ranging from Frank Palumbo to Babe Ruth adorn the walls. Live music performed by local bands every Saturday night. Every Friday night Karaoke with D.J. Lars.

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