Sunday, July 5, 2009

[a case of the summer] - The Brief Case

Photo location: Bergen County, NJ

This seems like an appropriate choice for Fourth of July weekend.

There's a corner section of a cement wall painted like the American flag which I pass by on my way to work every day. Each time I'd pass it, I'd tell myself that I should snap a photo with the briefcase (which, for a long while, I'd keep in my car should an impromptu photo opportunity present itself). However, with the wall in close proximity to the town's high school, it's usually a bit too busy at that hour to get a good shot.

However, on one particular snowy day in which school was canceled (but work wasn't -- of course), I decided to take advantage of the empty area. Incidentally, the contrast of the dark briefcase, bright flag, and white snow made for a really great photo -- probably far nicer than if it was a beautiful day.

And that's the story. Hope everybody had a great Independence Day!

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