Friday, April 29, 2011
Smallville Finale Promo - Lex Returns
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:42 PM
Tags: Smallville, Television, Video Clip
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A Case of the..... Smallville - Episode 10-18
I’m back from Texas and caught up with my TV shows, so let’s get to last week’s episode of Smallville!
I’ve noticed that many of the episodes this season start the same way, with a soft-toned theme playing as the camera pans onto a familiar landmark (Kent Farm, the Daily Planet, a street in Metropolis). It’s a very nostalgic feeling, as if the show is constantly trying to remind us, “Things are going to change and this is going to end.” It’s like, yeah, we’re looking at a familiar scene, but we’re drifting away from that familiarity. We see Kent Farm, only for Lois and Clark to discuss selling it moments later. We enter the Daily Planet, but discover that Lois is getting promoted from the basement office. We scan the streets of Metropolis, where Lois is meeting Clark, so that the two can discuss wedding details. It’s very much a feeling of, “This is where we came from, and this is where we are going.” And I like it.
So I wasn’t quite sure what to think of this episode when I saw the previews. Yet, strangely, it ended up being one of my favorite episodes of the entire season – despite the fact that it didn’t revolve around any of the three major story arcs. And in many instances, it very easily could have gone in a different direction. Booster Gold was insensitive, but he wasn’t unbelievably monstrous. Clark acting like a klutz could have come across as slapstick, but instead they delved into the reasons for this behavior as well as his self doubt and personal insecurities. Even in the final moments of the episode, when Clark confronted Booster Gold, the tone was just right. Sure, he was self righteous, but he wasn’t judgmental. And when he to the rescue, he avoided being a glory hog. At the end, he gave Booster Gold the opportunity to be the hero and do the right thing.
This episode just hit all of the right notes. And there was some really great development as it relates to Clark becoming Superman.
Regular readers know that I’ve been critical of the fact that they made a big deal about Clark donning the glasses, only for them to go several episodes of him as his usual self. Most defended that it was because he was around his friends, which is fair enough, but why make a big production about the glasses if he’s not even going to wear them all the time? Well, this episode fixed that right up. The visual was absolutely, positively, spot on. The hair parted to the side. The distinctly less fashionable suit (wearing a bland combination of a white shirt, black tie, gray pants/vest, and tan trench coat instead of the slicker, bolder colors he usually wears). And, of course, the glasses. And I really loved their mentality of having the Blur essentially step away from the spotlight as the world becomes so used to the clumsy, accident prone Clark that they forget about the charming, heroic person he always had been. I liked this, as it brought attention to the fact that people aren’t going to just magically forget what Clark looks like without glasses. It’s going to be a long process of making people grow accustomed to this Clark, to the point that the train of thought that Clark could be Superman won’t even be approached.
Speaking of mentalities about transformations, we are also beginning to see the end of “The Blur” and the birth of “Superman.” As Lois explained, he’s not really going to be a “blur” when he’s making public appearances. And as Booster Gold said, the name is kinda silly.
If nothing else, this episode made me really excited about Clark officially becoming Superman.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:31 PM
Tags: Smallville, Television
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 2-19
Alright, so this review is for last week’s episode. As I explained, I was in Texas (and it sounds like I left just in time, although it was a great trip). Better late than never, right?
Truth be told, this was a rather enjoyable episode, with only two major complaints (more on those later). Told partially through flashbacks, we learned about Klaus (sorta – I’m still not quite sure HOW he became a vampire), the most interesting factoid being that he and Elijah are brothers and that Elijah was in love with Katherine. I really enjoyed these new tidbits. While many would consider them clichéd (and perhaps they are), I thought they actually added a lot of depth to the Elena/Stefan/Damon triangle. The twisted relationship between Klaus, Katherine, and Elijah destroyed a family and deprived Katherine of her innocence and life. Could Elena and the Salvatore brothers walk down the same dark path if they’re unable to find peace with their situation?
Actually, I quite liked Elijah this episode. I was pretty unmoved by his performance until this point, where he actually got to show depth and emotion instead of just sauntering around like the most powerful guy in the room. He had some surprisingly good chemistry with Elena.
And this brings me to my first complaint: Elijah seemed just a little too forgiving about the fact that Elena killed him. I mean, it’s not even as if Elena deceived him, which ultimately led to his demise. She actually committed the deed. She plunged that knife into his chest. And he barely even acknowledged that. Its like, “Hey, I know you killed me, but you came back to the house when you said you would, so it’s all cool.”
Speaking of the Salvatores, things are beginning to heat up with their conflicting methods of protecting Elena. And Damon discovered that Katherine is alive, and even assisted her during her captivity. Does anybody else think she’s going to sacrifice herself in the finale? I just feel like this is all building up to her doing something really selfless. As for Klaus, the spirit got reunited with the body, meaning Alaric has some messes to clean up.
And that brings me to my second complaint: Jenna is the last major character to discover the supernatural truth regarding the people around her – and it essentially happened off screen. Yes, I understand that we saw the majority of it, and we can deduce how the actual discussion went down, but I still wish we had seen it. I wanted to see how Stefan explained the existence of vampires and, ya’ know, the fact that HE IS ONE.
And this isn’t a complaint as much as a personal preference, but I think I would have liked Elena to be part of the scene. I enjoyed the way it played out, with Klaus-as-Alaric taunting her, with discrete-Stefan acting as the mediator, but I think Elena should have been present in some manner. On a personal level, Jenna finding out this secret is potentially the most significant game changer for Elena. Not only is Jenna a mother figure, but she was also the last real remnant of a normal life for Elena. Now that Jenna knows, that feeling is gone.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
10:48 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Off to Texas!
As I noted in my latest television reviews, I'm heading off to Texas for a long weekend (today until Sunday). So, my reviews for this week's Smallville and The Vampire Diaries will be a bit late (probably even later than necessary, since the CW sucks when it comes to posting their episodes online). While I'm gone, Masked Emotions is in charge of the Internet.
Read more!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
10:27 AM
Tags: Personal
Sunday, April 17, 2011
A Case of the.... Smallville - Episode 10-17
So Smallville returns after a rather lengthy absence (damn you, CW!) and we’re only a few episodes away from the big series finale. And, again, we have a glasses-less Clark!
For what it’s worth, most people have defended the lack of glasses as Clark just being around his friends – people who already know his secret, thus making it unnecessary to “disguise” himself. This is a fair enough point, but I still think it takes a bit away from the episode that was completely devoted to Clark donning those iconic glasses. And we’re so close to the end that it’d be so easy for him to wear the glasses for the remainder of the season. But anyway, it looks like he’s wearing them next week (according to the preview), so perhaps I’m nitpicking over nothing.
Speaking of next week, I’m going to be in Texas so my review for the episode will be a bit late. Or later than usual, I should say. Let’s get to this week’s episode, though.
Continue reading "A Case of the.... Smallville - Episode 10-16"....
Believe it or not, in a rare instance, I much preferred the “B” story over the main story. While I quite like the idea that Clark had the potential to grow up into something devious if it weren’t for the Kents, I wasn’t so much a fan of the possibility that the Kents’ marriage would fall apart if it hadn’t been for the arrival of Clark in their lives. There was always something so wholesome and pure about the Kents and their marriage, that the possibility of their relationship falling apart if not for one turn of events is troubling. To be honest, it just seemed like they wanted to squeeze in one more John Schneider appearance and Clark/Jonathan reunion before the end of the series.
This is nitpicking a bit, but I had a bit of a tough time with the fact that alterworld Jonathan and Lois so easily believed Clark’s story. I know Lois had history with him, due to their rooftop moment, but still, it seemed strange that our Clark is so sincere that people in this world could forget that Clark Luthor is this despicably evil person. On the other hand, I quite enjoyed the way that Lois and Tess deduced that alterClark was not their Clark. The telescope thing was a little heavy handed, but I liked Lois noticing Clark’s non-reaction to the police sirens, and Tess taking note of Clark rubbing his pinky, where his ring usually is.
The “B” story, on the other hand, I found rather touching a nice. Clark and Lois’ decision to sell the farm and move to Metropolis was both a significant moment for the fans who have watched the show for the past decade, and for the people anxiously waiting for the moment that Smallville essentially becomes Superman. And this was a big moment in making that happen. I especially liked the fact that Martha didn’t push them to do it – she just gave them the property and left the decision up to them. And I enjoyed the way Lois and Clark each reacted to the decision. I can’t place my finger on why, but Lois sitting on the bench on the porch, with Clark sitting on the floor in front of her, leaning against the bench, was such a warm visual. It felt very understated and real. Clark wearing his father’s jacket, while the two enjoyed a beer together, just made it that much nicer.
By the way, it was also great seeing Terrence Stamp return as Jor-El. Much of this season has been about bringing back characters from the past – Martha and Jonathan, Lionel and Lex, Kara, the Justice League – but Jor-El’s presence has been sorely missed this season. I certainly hope we get a proper (i.e. touching) resolution to the tumultuous relationship between Clark and his birth father.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:06 PM
Tags: Smallville, Television
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episodes 2-17 & 2-18
Well aren’t I a jerk? I thought The Vampire Diaries returned this week. Turns out, it returned last week! As a result, I watched “The Last Dance” before “Know Thy Enemy,” making it a rather unique experience. But, you guys deserve two reviews, and two reviews you shall get!
Continue reading "A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episodes 2-17 & 2-18"....
Episode 2-17: Know Thy Enemy
Like I said, I actually viewed this episode after The Last Dance, so I was more than a little spoiled. Nonetheless, it was a rather enjoyable episode. My one qualm is that the writers refuse to settle on a characterization of Isobel. She’s been featured in two episodes, and in both episodes they’ve spent nearly the entire hour making her as vile as possible, and then in the last moment they attempt to do something to lighten her behavior. Or, at the very least, they’re trying to make her actions seem justifiable. However, I just don’t think they’re successful in this regard. She repeatedly turns against all of the characters we’ve grown to care about, and a quick apology at the end doesn’t discard that.
So, yes, they made it abundantly clear that Isobel was compelled and that she truly did love Elena when she was born, but she’s not an easy character to give the benefit of the doubt. Remember, in her only other appearance, she was needlessly cruel to the two people who wanted to see her most. Yeah, she had her reasons, but it doesn’t make her any more likable.
Katherine, on the other hand, I do think they’re handling well. Katherine is unapologetic in her actions. She’ll tell somebody something hurtful or vile, right to their face, with no remorse. She’ll admit when she did something wrong, and she’ll confess when she’s done something in her best interest. But at the same time, there does seem to be some sense of perverse loyalty. Think of it this way: Katherine is like Ben from Lost. Isobel is like Sylar from Heroes.
The big twist of the episode was one that was spoiled for me, obviously, which is that Klaus is now possessing Alaric’s body. Fun fact for ya’, though: When I watched The Last Dance, I thought the witch that did the spell was actually Klaus. Oh, the hijinx that occur when you watch out of order.
Matt and the Sheriff knowing Caroline’s secret, but nobody knowing they know, is an interesting turn of events. I’m especially interested in seeing how Caroline’s mother reacts, considering how harshly she behaved when she originally received the news. Hopefully she’ll be a bit warmer this time around.
And by the way, MAJOR bravo points for mentioning Zack, the pretend uncle who was actually a nephew or something that Damon killed. Didn’t so much mention the murder part, but still.
Episode 2-18: The Last Dance
What is it I always say about Mystic Falls? They love to throw parties. Oh, and dating Jeremy Gilbert is the kiss of death.
It was a close call with Bonnie, and to be honest I suspected that they were going to somehow bring her back, but for a while there I really did think she was dead. And I couldn’t help but think – really? You’re going to do this to Jeremy AGAIN???? But, I’ve grown to like Bonnie so I’m glad they didn’t do her off. And c’mon, let Jeremy be happy for at least a season or something!
I’m also glad that they didn’t kill off Alaric. Although I do have to admit that it was pretty fun watching him get his creep on. Much like Tom in the final few episodes of The 4400, it’s strangely enjoyable watching a normally extremely likeable character acting like a complete villain (and in Tom’s case, it kinda matched the personality of the actual actor).
I also enjoy moments in which a seemingly insignificant scene suddenly becomes important and clear, as we now understand why – from a storytelling perspective – they needed to get Alaric’s immunity ring off of him (and onto John, as seen in the prior episode).
Anyway, that’s it for me this week. I’d like to tell you that I’ll be back to normal next week, but I won’t. I’m actually going to be in Texas (for the first time), so my review will be more than a few days late. Actually, it might not come at all. You see, my seat for the flight back is 23B. You might remember that, my friends, as the seat Jack Shephard had on the doomed Flight 815.
So, yeah, I’ve got that going for me.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
11:45 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries
Thank You Edge
Posted by
Matt Basilo
4:11 PM
Monday, April 11, 2011
LIVE Raw thoughts
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:01 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Dive Bar Shirt Club: Mag Bar
Dive Bar Shirt Club:
Posted by
Matt Basilo
1:20 PM
Tags: Beer 'n Stuff, Dive Bar Shirt Club, Personal
Thursday, April 7, 2011
My Celebrity Wake Up Text (Sorta)
Alright, so my title might be a bit misleading, but it’s more or less true! Honestly, I did get a text from a celebrity. Kinda. Trust me…
So I have my Twitter account set up so that if somebody sends me a direct message, it gets forwarded to my cell phone as a text message. Tuesday night I decided to visit Mick Foley’s blog, and read a straightforward and passionate post requesting a donation of $10 or more for RAINN, a charitable organization he works with that assists victims of sexual violence. I was touched enough by the plea that I decided to provide a link on my Twitter account.
Later that night, I’m awakened by my cell phone’s text message indicator. I check my phone to see a direct message I received from Mick Foley himself, thanking me (by name) for my comment. What an unexpected but incredibly thoughtful gesture. It sounds insignificant, but my Twitter name (@acaseofthetwit) doesn’t even include my name – he went to the trouble to check my page to find out my name.
Anyway, I thought it was a really cool gesture, so in return I thought I’d do my small part in assisting Mick’s campaign. RAINN stands for Rape Abuse & Incest National Network, and as Mick explains in his blog post, an amount as little as $10 can provide somebody with live, one-on-one support. Rape and incest are absolutely dreadful acts of abuse and violence, yet it falls into this strange “niche” where your average person has trouble relating to it. I know I do, as thankfully (to my knowledge), nobody I know has been a victim of sexual abuse, and hopefully the same applies to you. But that doesn’t mean we can’t understand the importance of what $10 can do.
While I can’t personally relate to the specific issues that RAINN tackles, I think we can all understand depression in general. Perhaps you or somebody you know suffers from depression. It doesn’t even have to be full-blown, I-need-a-therapist depression. Maybe you’re just having a particularly bad day and you need somebody to talk to. In most cases, you probably have a friend or family member. But imagine you didn’t have somebody to turn to? And imagine you weren’t just having a bad day – instead, you were on the edge and you didn’t know what you were going to do? It is instances such as these that live, one-on-one support is absolutely crucial. It honestly can be life or death. And in sensitive situations like sexual abuse, where the victim feels embarrassed or even shameful, a hotline could be the only option. Your $10 can truly save a life.
Admittedly, I’m not quite as eloquent as Mick Foley and I’m definitely far more long winded, but I do hope that this post got through to somebody. So, readers, I now have a challenge for you. If I donate $100, who is willing to match my contribution? If it makes any difference, according to Foley’s incentives, that sort of donation earns you a sweet autographed photo!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
2:23 PM
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Smallville covers TV Guide
I'm really glad to see Smallville (deservedly) get the cover of the latest edition of TV Guide. If you're interested, give the story a read. There's some good stuff in there. Although I do hope they don't wait for the final scene to have Clark fly.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
10:18 PM
Tags: Smallville, Television
Sunday, April 3, 2011
LIVE WrestleMania thoughts
Posted by
Matt Basilo
6:55 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
At least we know one guy will have a new look....
Posted by
Matt Basilo
4:08 PM
Tags: Video Clip, Wrestling
Prediction #1 Comes True!
Well, we already have one of my predictions coming true, as Kofi Kingston was just announced as Kozlov's replacement in the eight man tag match.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
12:26 PM
Tags: Wrestling
Saturday, April 2, 2011
WrestleMania Predictions
This isn't your typical prediction post, as I won't so much be offering my thoughts on who will win each match. Instead, here are some things I see happening:
Posted by
Matt Basilo
2:25 PM
Tags: Wrestling