Saturday, April 2, 2011

WrestleMania Predictions

This isn't your typical prediction post, as I won't so much be offering my thoughts on who will win each match. Instead, here are some things I see happening:

The Undertaker's undefeated streak continues. But for the first time ever, it won't be a clean, clear cut victory. Expect shenanigans and perhaps even a screwjob.

John Cena unveils a new t-shirt design/color scheme. I'm guessing maybe red and blue.

I want Edge to wear sunglasses, his trench coat, a beard, and a new color scheme for his tights. Unfortunately, I see him only granting two of those four wishes.

Rey Mysterio's ring attire will be Green Lantern inspired. If not that, he'll wear something that attaches him to his WCW heritage.

CM Punk's trunks, which he will only wear that night, will be Nexus-themed.

Kozlov is removed from the eight man tag match and is replaced by Kofi Kingston.

I see Edge retaining the championship with some help from Christian, only for Christian to turn on him post-match. From there we move into a three way feud between Edge, Christian, and Del Rio.

Snooki's team wins at WrestleMania, with Snooki pinning either Vicki or Dolph Ziggler.

What does everybody else think?


Kyle Litke said...

See, that makes way more sense for Christian. I could see him turning on Edge, but the whole "He turns on Edge and helps Del Rio win the title" that people keep suggesting makes no sense, even for WWE. They have very very firmly established that Christian can't stand Del Rio. There's no good reason for him to help him win, even if he's pissed at Edge for something. Attacking Edge post match though, that makes sense, as does Christian accidently helping Del Rio win.

Matt Basilo said...

Agreed. The overwhelming belief seems to be that Del Rio is winning the title, but I'm not sold. I think it's far more likely that he moves to Raw following the draft.

I do see Christian either actively helping Edge win, only to turn on him post match....or accidentally helping Del Rio win.