Monday, April 11, 2011

LIVE Raw thoughts

11:04 - So is this, like, WWE's way of apologizing to R-Truth for leaving him off the WrestleMania card?

11:01 - I have to say, it's pretty telling if the crowd chant is "Let's Go Cena!"/"Cena Sucks!" opposed to "Let's Go Cena!"/"Let's Go _____!"

10:51 - John Morrison, I guess that's what happens when you're an ass to Trish Stratus. Bad news is that we'll either see Cena vs. Miz AGAIN....or Miz vs. R-Truth, which nobody wants to see.

10:49 - Back to Edge. If they want to be REALLY classy and send the fans home happy, why not insert Christian into the World Heavyweight title match at Extreme Rules.....and have him win the gold?

10:35 - Odd that the first guy Orton punted his the only one not back yet.

10:23 - That was some sad stuff. As many of you probably know, Edge is my favorite wrestler. And I'm really, really proud to say that he's not my favorite wrestler because of his main event status, or even from his hilarious days from Edge & Christian. When Edge first debuted as the guy sitting in the crowd, wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses, there was just something about him that caught my attention. I thought he had a really cool, unique look. Remember, the Attitude Era was still in its early phases, so somebody with such a "dark," non-cartoony look was still pretty rare. But I also thought he had a cool name and a neat theme music. I could just sense that this guy was something special, and that he was going to accomplish incredible things. Even before I had seen him wrestle.

As he gained popularity in the Brood, I felt like my instincts were right. Sure, I was a little discouraged that he and Christian repeatedly got overlooked as potential tag team champions when other teams like the Acolytes, the Hardy Boyz, and the Dudley Boyz were getting their shot. But then everything changed at WrestleMania 2000. From that point on, Edge was rarely EVER not a champion or the top contender for whatever championship level he was at.

Edge is a special talent, for sure. He was given a whole load of challenges and he hit a home run with each. A mute? Sure, he'll play that. Part of a goth group? He'll make that work. Suddenly becoming a goofy surfer dude? He'll knock that out of the park. Likable hero? It got cut short, but yep, he'll make that work. Villainous manipulator? He'll achieve awesome success. And through it all, it was believable. He HAS held more championships than anybody in the history of the company, and as far as I'm concerned he deserves that accolade.

Having said all of that, I'm really glad he got to end his career as a face, so that the fans could cheer him wildly, and as a champion. I wish this was a work, but it appears that it's not.

10:13 - Edge comes out wearing sunglasses, so that's a plus. Now, what is this all about? Did they build up the entire angle in the past hour? I mean, before, like, 8:00 tonight did you hear ANYTHING about Edge retiring?

10:05 - At second (or third or fourth) glance, Triple H's brief entrance attire at WrestleMania has grown on me. Particularly, because he was wearing a Skeletor mask. I wish they had honed in on it more so that we actually saw it at the event.

9:59 - All of this Lawler/JR/Cole/Swagger stuff makes me want to see JR kick Cole's ass more than Lawler.

9:42 - Remember when Santino, Evan Bourne, and Mark Henry were the jobbers Nexus used to dismantle before moving onto guys like Cena and Edge and Chris Jericho? My, how much has changed in six months or so. Santino now frequently defeats these guys cleanly.

9:38 - I'm a Scream buff, so I'm looking exceptionally forward to Scream 4. Like, intensely forward to it.

9:34 - Why exactly is the Smackdown World Champion making an earth shattering announcement on.....Raw?

9:28 - Odd Divas segment. By the way, I know nothing about Sin Cara, but I really like his look and aura, as its entirely different from Rey Mysterio (where the obvious comparisons will be made). His leap off the trampoline is really cool, but they need to figure out where to place it, as he keeps hitting the top rope. They do a great job of making it look like he's actually leaping without any assistance, though.

9:19 - Putting an X on Nikki's hand? Brilliant.

9:17 - Neat Awesome Kong vignette. They're REALLY missing the boat if they don't have Beth Phoenix win the title before her debut. Then have Kong attack her, leading to a feud in which Phoenix is the underdog. A whole new dynamic.

9:12 - Did the Raw GM just claim that he invented the Gauntlet Match?

9:06 - And is it me, or does Randy Orton's shirt look about two sizes too big?

9:05 - I enjoyed John Cena's quirk bur snarky remark that in order for Rock/Cena to be for the WWE Championship, the burden to win the title is completely on him -- because he actually wrestles every week.

9:01 - I kinda get a kick out of the fact that they redo John Cena's entrance video and lighting everytime he gets a new t-shirt.


Kyle Litke said...

Christian's a no brainer to be put into the ladder match now, but as far as winning it...well, if he was ever going to, now's the time.

Edge has been my favorite for awhile too, so I'm sorry to see him go, but I'm glad he's going to go BEFORE he can't walk again. Still, this leaves a huge glaring hole right now. WWE already had a problem with top faces, losing Edge is devastating. Here's who's left on Smackdown for top faces: Big Show and Kane, who nobody is overly behind as a top face, Kofi, who they didn't bother to even advertise for a WM match, Rey, who has been in a midcard feud, and Christian, who they've never been behind and frankly, it seemed like he was being set up for a heel turn anyway. It's extremely weak without Edge. The entire show was essentially revolving around him, he was either champ or in contention at almost all times, because they just didn't have anyone else when Undertaker wasn't around. What do they do now? Count on Christian to take Edge's place? Move Morrison to Smackdown and hope he can carry the ball? Move Orton (I doubt it) or Cena (doubt it even more)? Turn Punk and move him to Smackdown (he was conspicuous by his absence tonight)? I don't know.

Kyle Litke said...

Ugh. I really don't like R Truth. You know who would have been better than him as the third guy in a triple threat? Any number of guys. Anyone else in that gauntlet match, Sheamus (to "stack the deck" against Cena more), Punk (for obvious reasons), Bryan (who at least has a history with Miz to work off of)...ugh.

Matt Basilo said...

All I can think of is if Edge was so desperately injured that he need to retire PRONTO, thank GOD they had him go through tests before putting him in a LADDER MATCH!

The thing I find curious about Christian is all of these reports -- from reliable sources -- that Vince McMahon is so against him. It's odd because he's been treated really, really well since his return. They centered all of ECW around him, where he was almost constantly the champion, and even now he barely ever loses. Do I ever see him the face of the promotion? No, but I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to give him the ball to see what happens (they've certainly done it with worse).

But, yes, the face side is REALLY lacking on Smackdown. My advice would be to move as many people over there that they either have no plans for, or aren't going to move any higher, but still have a great upside. That includes Morrison and Bryan.

Kyle Litke said...

I was thinking the same thing about Edge and the ladder match.

Bryan seems a no brainer in the near future, but I don't know that they have plans for him. Just makes more sense for him to go to Smackdown. As for Christian, I don't know. ECW was always definitively seen as the #3 show by far, and while they did form the show around him at the end, essentially, I think it had more to do with them trusting him to help get the younger guys, like Swagger, Ezekiel Jackson, etc. over. Once he got to Smackdown they did nothing with him. it's not that I expected him to be put into the Smackdown main events immediately or anything, but he really just floundered as your typical Kofi Kingston level midcarder until he came back. And if not for the perfect storm of Del Rio being the guy who "injured" him and Edge being the world champion Del Rio was challenging, I'm not sure they would have bothered doing anything with him now either. Now they may not have a choice, and I could see them going for the feel good, Edge's friend wins the title story, but as far as trusting him to carry Smackdown like Edge did? I'm not sure they trust ANY of the full timers except Cena, Orton, and previously Edge to do it. And I think you saw that when they moved Edge to Raw at the draft and then moved him back to Smackdown pretty quickly, not because he sucked on Raw but because Smackdown had nobody to build around.

That's a real problem here. As good as WWE has been at bringing up new heels in recent years (Miz, Sheamus, Barrett, etc.), they've done a horrible job at creating new faces.