Tuesday, November 29, 2011
LIVE Smackdown thoughts - November 29, 2011
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:01 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Monday, November 28, 2011
(Sorta) LIVE Raw thoughts - November 28, 2011
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:20 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Friday, November 25, 2011
My proud Twitter moment
I've been fortunate enough to have a few of my questions answered by celebrities on Twitter, which is really cool, but for the first time ever somebody actually got a real kick out of it! Somebody asked Lance Storm if he missed wrestling for WWE, to which he said, "Some parts yes, some parts no." I then sent a tweet to Lance saying "Some Parts Unknown?" He responded saying "Big Pop," which made me smile. The small things in life, folks.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
5:12 PM
Tags: Just for Fun, Personal, Wrestling
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everybody enjoys the day and eats a lot of delicious food!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
12:07 PM
Tags: Current Events, Personal
Monday, November 21, 2011
LIVE Raw thoughts - November 21, 2011
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:04 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Survivor Series Predictions
I won't be ordering the show tonight. I might have been convinced to do so if there were a couple more traditional matches -- right now, it just feels like an ordinary PPV. The matches are incredibly tough to predict, if only because a lot of the decisions lately have been very questionable. I'll give it a-go, nonetheless.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
5:08 PM
Tags: Wrestling
Monday, November 14, 2011
LIVE Raw thoughts - November 14, 2011
Posted by
Matt Basilo
7:49 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Family Guy: Why last night's episode wasn't (too) controversial
If you were watching my tweets last night, you'll know that I found last night's episode of Family Guy absolutely hilarious. I absolutely LOVED seeing the sleek, high definition animation interact with the crude drawings from the pilot episode. The meta references were great as well, like Brian bringing up Stewie's early unusual manner of speaking and Stewie remarking that the TV wasn't even plugged in. Plus, the glimpse into how animation may look in a few years was fun as well. I thought it was great -- one of the rare moments where Family Guy clearly dominated against the usually stellar American Dad.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
2:07 PM
Tags: Current Events, Family Guy
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Top Ten Cases: Best Mustaches in Wrestling (Movember Special)
Posted by
Matt Basilo
7:42 PM
Tags: Just for Fun, Top Ten Cases, Video Clip, Wrestling
Friday, November 11, 2011
Inside Pulse Relaunch #7
Today marked the relaunch of Inside Pulse (the website I contribute to) and overall I think it looks great. This is the most uniformed the site has ever been, in my view, which I actually appreciate. There was a time that I liked how each zone had its own identity, but now I think websites typically look more professional and "cleaner" when the appearance is more or less universal. Also, be sure to check out my author page (I'll get around to updating the graphics shortly):
So, what do you all think of the new look?
Posted by
Matt Basilo
2:33 PM
Tags: Personal, Prime Time Pulse
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 3-9
Since none of my friends watch The Vampire Diaries, and I don’t frequent message boards (in order to avoid spoilers), I’m really not sure what the overall perspective of this season has been. But, for my money, the third season has been on fire! It’s really been one great episode after another, and even the “filler” episodes have provided some fun moments and/or interesting character development. None of the storylines have seemed rushed or illogical, and the character shifts have not only been fun, but they’ve also made me care more about each individual character. Am I alone here, or has everybody been enjoying the season thus far?
Continue reading "A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 3-9"....
Alright, with that (straightforward) gushing out of the way, this week was the mid-season finale and it was a pretty explosive episode (and that would be gushing that isn’t straightforward). In its final few seasons, Smallville relied heavily on the “___ days/hours ago” manner of storytelling and it usually worked, even though it was entirely unnecessary at times. I was a tad worried this episode would fall into that category (I mean, why begin with Stefan on the phone with Klaus, only to flash back mid-discussion to the preparation for the phone call?) but looking back (ha!) it was actually a really fun, exciting way to tell the story. Yes, that initial example may have been a bit much, but not knowing how things were going to play out – and then fully understanding why things happened the way they did – made for a pretty thrilling hour.
Remember what I said in the introduction about how I cared about all of the characters? Well, that was an important aspect of this episode, as everybody played a part in the night’s events. And through it all, their motivations made sense, and you truly understood their nature. It quickly became obvious that Mikael is NOT a good guy. As Rebekah noted, he was the one who made the family into monsters, and he was the one who had mistreated Klaus throughout his life. And when push came to shove, he had absolutely no qualms about murdering Elena – an innocent, powerless girl who was on his side. For her part, Rebekah ended up being a relatively sweet girl who was willing to kill her brother, despite loving him, because she knew it was for the best (and for that matter, Elena staking Rebekah was a pretty shocking, bad ass moment). Tyler showed that he was still willing to do whatever it took to protect his friends, even though he was under the control of Klaus.
Probably my favorite character performances, however, were Stefan and Katherine. When Damon oh-so-casually mentioned that Katherine told him that Mikael feeds on vampires, I grinned ever so slightly, as it confirmed that she survived the attack. After hearing that, I did suspect her to play a role in the conclusion (and I loved that Mikael didn’t realize it was Katherine and not Elena). And Stefan continued his fun turn as a guy who doesn’t really give a damn, but still has a soft spot for his brother. And, like last week, it was his loyalty to Damon that led to Klaus’ survival (likewise, it was Elijah’s loyalty to HIS family that caused him to save Klaus last season).
In fact, the flashback between Katherine and Stefan, where their portion of the plan was revealed, was perhaps my favorite part of the entire episode. Since Katherine’s return, most of her scenes have been with Damon (which I’ve enjoyed), but her interaction with Stefan this episode was a lot of fun. I loved how Katherine disappeared from the party to wake Stefan, so that – unbelievably – she could knock him out of his senses so that they could save Damon. And in the car, she finally revealed to Stefan that there is a piece of humanity in her, and that she did truly love both of them. It was actually a really great series of scenes, adding a great deal of complexity to all of the characters involved. Actually, Stefan and Katherine as a bad ass pair that don’t give a damn (but kinda sorta do) could be a whole lot of fun over the second half of the season.
Well, that’s it for the mid-season finale. See you guys in January! In the meantime, be sure to visit my blog and, of course, follow me on Twitter!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
10:33 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wrestling Rushmore
Over on Twitter, somebody asked former WWE writer Seth Mates who he would include on his wrestling Mount Rushmore. I disagreed with Seth's answer (Vince, Undertaker, Cena, and Rock). If I was forced to choose, I think I'd go with Vince, Hogan, Austin, and Flair. Vince because he's the pioneer of wrestling and the only genuine constant. Hogan because he was the face behind the first wrestling boom, and at the end of the day he's THE MOST recognizable person in wrestling history. Austin because he rejuvenated the industry and brought upon arguably the biggest boom, pop culture wise. And then there's Flair, an absolute legend and perhaps the most respected wrestler ever by his peers.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:44 PM
Tags: Wrestling
Monday, November 7, 2011
LIVE Raw thoughts - November 7, 2011
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:22 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Dive Bar Shirt Club: Friar Tuck
Just a few days after receiving my October shirt, my November shirt has arrived! And perhaps in tribute to everybody's favorite wrestler, this bar comes straight from Chicago! I wonder if I was there when I visited a couple of years ago. Anyway, here you go....
Dive Bar Shirt Club: http://www.divebarshirtclub.com/Default.asp
Dive Bar Shirt Club T-Shirt Gallery
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:17 PM
Tags: Beer 'n Stuff, Dive Bar Shirt Club, Personal
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 3-8
It feels like only a couple of episodes ago I was remarking that The Vampire Diaries resorted to flashback in order to tell their stories a few too many times. Yet, I have to admit, I really enjoyed this episode (although I was initially skeptical). In fact, it may have been the best flashback episode yet.
So, why was I skeptical? Well, when we saw Alaric going through the cave and realizing that the symbols represented everything they had dealt with, conceivably tying it all together, I couldn’t help but have bad Heroes flashbacks of my own. When the writing of Heroes really started falling apart, they seemed to discover something from their past that seemed to conveniently rewrite their own mythology. On a fairly consistent basis. Thankfully, The Vampire Diaries hasn’t experienced the same writing struggles, so this episode avoided that fate.
Continue reading "A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 3-8"....
Truth be told, I really liked the flashbacks because they provided a clear cut explanation about the origins of vampires (something I don’t think they did last season) and they managed to do it in a very personal manner. The original witch wasn’t just an ordinary person – it was the mother of Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah. And Mikael isn’t some vampiric vampire hunter – he’s their father. And vampirism in itself wasn’t some diabolical affront against God – it was a parent’s desperate attempt to keep his children and family alive. Until the reveal at the end, I wondered if they were going to realign the season’s story arc because Klaus was coming across as so sympathetic. I thought they were perhaps going to have all of them band together to take on Mikael. In the final moments, however, we learned that Klaus was actually the one who killed his mother, and that he had been psychologically keeping Rebekah and Elijah hostage for thousands of years. It was a really well told story, and for the first time I cared about these new characters as something more than just antagonists.
I often applaud this show for giving us odd or different pairings, but if there’s one twosome that’s always a homerun it’s Stefan and Damon. These two characters just bring out the best in each other, and this was really the first time we saw “bad” Stefan with “good” Damon, in a non-adversarial capacity. And it worked really, really well. When Damon told Stefan that he likes the edge, Stefan just needs to learn to stop falling off of it, I sensed that he wasn’t just “playing” his brother – I really think Damon would be in a state of bliss if Stefan was just like him. Yes, he wants Stefan to go back to his Boy Scout ways because he wants what’s best for him and for Elena, but I really do believe that Damon would be perfectly happy if Stefan was a dick who showed some restraint.
And I really did enjoy the fact that Damon’s life being in danger was what (kinda sorta) made Stefan come to his senses. While it was meant to sound somewhat tragic, I actually found it sweet when Elena remarked (possibly correctly) that Stefan’s love for Damon will be what saves him, not his love for Elena.
This was really a two story episode, so there’s not much else to say about the episode. Which is odd, because so much happened and I really did like it. Oh, I still hope that Katherine isn’t dead!
Anyway, next week is the show’s mid-season finale and it looks pretty thrilling. See you then!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
10:35 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries