Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wrestling Rushmore

Over on Twitter, somebody asked former WWE writer Seth Mates who he would include on his wrestling Mount Rushmore. I disagreed with Seth's answer (Vince, Undertaker, Cena, and Rock). If I was forced to choose, I think I'd go with Vince, Hogan, Austin, and Flair. Vince because he's the pioneer of wrestling and the only genuine constant. Hogan because he was the face behind the first wrestling boom, and at the end of the day he's THE MOST recognizable person in wrestling history. Austin because he rejuvenated the industry and brought upon arguably the biggest boom, pop culture wise. And then there's Flair, an absolute legend and perhaps the most respected wrestler ever by his peers.

It remains to be seen what impact John Cena will have on wrestling history, but I'm not sure how you could include him (or Taker or Rock) and not Austin and Hogan. What do you guys think -- who would be on your Wrestling Rushmore?

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