Monday, November 28, 2011

(Sorta) LIVE Raw thoughts - November 28, 2011

9:30 - When they announced Morrison/Miz instead of Morrison/Brodus Clay, I figured they changed their mind on doing a total squash and decided to let Morrison go out with a spectacular match -- although losing. This seemed like a wasted opportunity to me.

9:26 - "Hey, you know that acrobatic guy? For his last match, let's severely limit his mobility." It's been nice, John. Wish things would've worked out.

9:17 - Yeah I I know that I said this wasn't going to be a full recap, and it won't. But I just had to comment on that opening -- it was fantastic. I don't know what they have planned for Cena, but this is a great way to develop his character. This isn't the first time they've explicitly referenced the boos, but this is the first time they've made it such a central aspect of the character and story. Cena's "Rise Above Hate" irks a lot of people, but it's good to know that it seems to be leading somewhere. Maybe Cena will snap and turn heel. Maybe he'll finally do what Piper wants, and he'll go off on the audience (perhaps turning into a Bret Hart type character, where he just hates a segment of the audience). Whatever it is they are planning, I'm eager to see what's next. I actually wouldn't mind if they took Cena out of the ring for a bit and just developed the angle behind the mic (give him a promo instead of a match at TLC). I'm eager to see where this is going.

8:21 - So there isn't going to be a formal edition of LIVE Raw thoughts tonight, because I'm not feeling very well and I have a lot going on this week for which I need to be healthy. However, there is one Pre-Raw topic of discussion I wanted to bring up. Over on, there's a video of Johnny Ace in which he congratulates Punk on his title reign. Admittedly, I didn't watch the video (the character bores me to tears), but it did make me think of Johnny's promo last week where he said he has nothing against Punk.

Which brings me to the discussion: Did we learn nothing from the Triple H debacle? It's counter productive to Punk's character to make him an obnoxious jerk towards somebody who isn't outwardly against him. Much like with Triple H a couple of months ago, when Punk is an ass and the boss retaliates, it doesn't necessarily make the boss look like the bad guy. It makes Punk look like he's getting what he has coming.

Fans are already booing Johnny Ace. In all likelihood, they're NEVER going to cheer him. Plus, the natural progression of his character is to be a bad guy. What's with the resistance? The guy doesn't have the charisma of a Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff, who can pull off the "gray area." Why not just turn him into an outright bad guy? Again, they're doing Punk no favors otherwise.

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