Monday, April 9, 2012

LIVE Raw thoughts - April 9, 2012

11:05 - A very up and down edition of Raw. The ending was fine, as they've done a pretty good job building Cena/Lesnar. But I repeat what I said last week....the booking would have made more sense, and been more effective, if Cena had beat Rock at Mania. If Rock beat Cena, why would Brock attack Cena to become the top dog?

11:01 - When Jerry Lawler complains about the wrestlers getting in the way of the fun time the Three Stooges were supposed to have, that pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

10:55 - While I absolutely loved the Old School edition of Raw a couple of years ago, I'm not quite as thrilled by the Blast from the Past Smackdown. Even though Smackdown has been around for over a decade, it just doesn't seem to have the same rich history as Raw. A lot of that is because Smackdown hasn't really changed all that much visually in its time on television (whereas Raw has change drastically). It just feels like it'll be a typical Smackdown, just with some legends. Like, Smackdown NEVER used the red, white, and blue ropes or the old block logo.

10:50 - That was an incredibly awesome video for an awesome match. But I do love that they were using footage of CM Punk that was clearly taken last year. Thus, he could not have possibly been talking about the WrestleMania XXVIII match.

10:28 - I have to say....since moving to Raw, I really haven't been feeling Alberto Del Rio. There's nothing much about the guy that excites or entertains me.

10:26 - By the way, Alberto Del Rio is one of those guys who shouldn't be wearing a t-shirt to the ring. It totally contradicts his aristocratic character.

10:25 - I'm thinking this doesn't look good for Zack Ryder.

10:16 - Remember at the beginning of the show how I said that they're REALLY inconsistent in regards to how the roster reacts to a brawl? I mean, the entire backstage cleared out because John Cena and Brock Lesnar were rolling around the ring. And yet where were they when Mark Henry beat on CM Punk? Or when Jericho and Punk were fighting and rolling around the ring? Or when Jericho poured beer all over Punk?

10:01 - I really don't like that WrestleMania attire that Punk has been wearing. I hate the color scheme.

9:53 - I keep hearing all these great things about Albert in Japan. And while we haven't seen anything but brief squash matches.....I really haven't seen much that impresses me.

9:51 - Didn't they make a fairly big deal out of Tatsu returning on NXT with facepaint? How long did that last? Two weeks?

9:47 - By the way, that Three Stooges clip was dreadful. I also hate this inconsistent use of guest hosts....where some are actors promoting their movie, while others are playing their characters as if they're "real."

Also, I'm sure this isn't what Tatsu had in mind when he said he wanted a Lord Tensei feud.

9:41 - I hate that sort of distraction. Cody Rhodes was there last week.....why would he need to stare at the screen to watch what happened?

9:38 - Do you think Kane just roams the hallways until he finds one that is painted red?

9:18 - I love that Johnny Ace has his WrestleMania suit (with plaque) hanging in his office.

9:13 - Perfect opening. Excellent idea having Johnny Ace endorse Lesnar, and then having Lesnar thank Ace in order to establish him as a heel to the audience. Even better not having Cena say anything and instead having him initiate physical contact with Lesnar. He looked like a chump last week, and this helped him save face. The pull apart brawl was effective (although it does always open the door to make you ask why the roster doesn't seem to care when one person is getting attacked by 5-10 people, yet they felt the need to break up this two person fight). The intensity felt real, and the sight of blood -- since it's been so rare the past few years -- REALLY sold it. I'm sure a lot of people will have issue with Cena smiling, but I thought it worked. It reminded me of when Foley was smiling after he got thrown through the cage at King of the Ring. I interpreted it as Cena enjoying the chaos and physicality. Like I said, the tension was already there.

Oh, and GREAT job by Mark Henry, who had the awareness to give Sheamus a little shove when they were standing next to each other. Great "little thing" that kept them in character.

9:06 - So there you go. He can still jump onto the apron.

9:01 - Brock Lesnar returns and they open the show with the Three Stooges? And instead of talking about the big return, Lawler is calling it the most fun Raw in a long time?


Kyle Litke said...

Actually I had no problem with Cena's smirk this week. Initially I was going to mind it when walking down to the ring, because I expected another jokey Cena promo and the smirk just no sells Brock, like he did when Rock was getting intense. But Cena slapping him showed that wasn't what the smirk was, it was more the "precursor" to him smacking Brock. And once he was bleeding the smirk was fine...the blood actually does make a real difference to me there. No blood and the smirk would have looked like he was acting like Brock was a loser who couldn't hurt him, but you see him busted open there and you see Brock DID hurt him, so the smirk tells a different story.

Matt Basilo said...

Agreed. I'm not sure if the blood was intentional, but it really MADE that segment. And because of the blood, everything else fell into place perfectly.