Man oh man, I'm probably going to be banned from the bus company after today (name of said company removed to protect the innocent). I had to work in the city today, and just like last time, it was an adventure! I arrived at the bus stop in my hometown and jumped on the waiting bus. I was one of the first people to get on, so he didn't have change for my $20. I sat down right in the front and told him I'd pay once he had enough money. Well, as luck would have it, 95% of the people paid with a pass, so he NEVER ended up getting enough change. I probably could have snuck right off, but I decided to be honest. So when we got to the bus terminal in New York City, I asked if he had change and he said no. So I got a free bus ride into the city! Not too shabby.
However, like last time, I realized that going home would be a lot rougher. I got to the bus terminal and I bought myself a ticket (while you can buy a ticket on the bus to go to the city, you need to buy a ticket prior to getting on the bus to go home) and went towards my gate. No exaggeration, but the line for my bus went down the stairs and wrapped around three hallways. If I had gotten on the back of that line, I likely would have waited a minimum of a couple hours. It was THAT long. I decided to text my friend (who works nearby) to see if he wanted to meet up with drinks. Before he even responded, I noticed that there was another doorway to my gate and it was SIGNIFICANTLY shorter. Like, probably 1/16th the length. I checked the sign and it looked like it goes to my stop, so I jumped on the back of that line. I ended up waiting maybe 20 or so minutes, instead of two days.
I finally get on the bus, and the driver looks at my ticket and asks what stop I'm going to. I tell him, and he tells me THIS bus doesn't go there, but to just go to the front of the line for the other bus because that one does. So I get off the bus and I do what I'm told, essentially jumping to the front of that very same line that went down three hallways. AND it was an express bus AND there were seats!
All things considered, could it have been a more fortuitous commute?
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Matt vs. the bus company
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:15 PM
Tags: Personal
Monday, February 24, 2014
LIVE thoughts on a show with potential produced by a moronic company - February 24, 2014
11:10 - "Hey, Undertaker and Brock are fighting at WrestleMania!" "Really, why?" "Because!"
11:04 - I'd hate to say this, but this is definitely the least thrilling Undertaker return we've seen over the past couple of years.
10:54 - Oh, I did want to mention that I loved the booking of that match. Particularly Rollins' rescue and the delayed arrival of Dean Ambrose. Like I've said before, I love the subtle complexities of their relationships. I'm enjoying Rollins a lot more than I expected to, so I hope everybody is wrong about him getting lost in the shuffle after the breakup.
10:52 - To be clear, did we just do the same "potentially jealous tag team partner costs his partner a victory by interfering" ending for two matches tonight?
10:28 - LOVE that the Usos won the tag team titles (well deserved) but what a mess that looked like. First, I THINK they forgot to show them ringing the bell (a major plot point), and then the suicide dive completely missed Billy Gunn.
Wait, that wasn't even for the tag team title??!?!?
10:19 - As I'm discussing on Twitter....does ANYBODY really want to see Triple H wrestle a match at WrestleMania? Like, does it REALLY need to happen? All of the top and future guys can be paired up without him being part of the card. And then there are so many promising guys -- like Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston -- who will likely be left off of the card completely. And other guys are currently without any defined direction.
10:07 - Looks like they're building towards the Daniel Bryan/Triple H match afterall. Which I think is a mistake. That is NOT the money match. I daresay people want to see Daniel Bryan win the WWE Championship, not beat Triple H. And then there's that whole thing about nobody wanting to see Batista vs. Orton.
9:59 - By the way, I've had the WWE Network playing on my other laptop (it's a lot newer, but it's not fully furnished yet, so I don't use it that often) and it's been running extremely smoothly. No lag time or anything.
9:49 - There's something unnatural about Kane coming out with his usual theme music and the fiery imagery given his drastic gimmick change.
9:31 - Honest question, because I'm biased, but is there ANYBODY who finds Sheamus more entertaining than Christian?
9:28 - Odd observation. The new Authority t-shirt (CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT) has a symbol that looks jarringly close to Daniel Bryan's American Dragon logo.
9:19 - Is it me or is the commentary particular awful tonight? Talking about what the "E" in "Big E" stands for and talking about the color of Christian's complexion. Are they burnt or something?
9:14 - I'm most certainly partial to a heel Christian. If this is his swan song, then he should go out as the creepy little bastard that originally got him over.
9:13 - After all of the things he's overcome, THAT'S the thing that sends him out on a stretcher?
8:59 - I typically defend Cena but a criticism against him -- and I think it's a fair one -- is that when he's supposed to be angry and vengeful, he just becomes a company shill man. Cena just got screwed out of the WWE Championship, and he's here promoting Hulk Hogan, WrestleMania, WWE Network, and Raw.
8:50 - Fantastic match, as expected. The only thing that's frustrating is that Cesaro had the goods this entire time, it's too bad they went through that period where he was being jobbed out. But oye, rough landing for Big E.
8:28 - I am now officially have a subscription to the WWE Network. Thankfully, the kinks seem to be worked out because I signed up with no issues whatsoever. Also, PLEASE tell me they're doing something with this WWE title match? Because what I just saw is atrocious. Orton brings up that the fans hate Batista. Batista basically tells the fans to F off, and the fans STILL didn't buy into the routine. This main event is a total mess, and the perfect example of why it's a mistake to cherry pick your top stars instead of allowing your fans to pick them for you.
8:22 - I (VERY frustratingly) missed the first 20 minutes of the show because I got forced into running errands for something that has nothing to do with me. But I did get a kick out of the fact that the second I tune in, I have Michael Cole saying "it's more of the same here on Raw," and seeing Batista and Alberto Del Rio in the ring.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:23 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, February 23, 2014
LIVE The Walking Dead thoughts - Episode 4-11
Be sure to click below for my LIVE thoughts on this week's episode of The Walking Dead. Obviously, spoilers are within.
Continue reading "LIVE The Walking Dead thoughts - Episode 4-11"....
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:02 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Television, The Walking Dead
Monday, February 3, 2014
LIVE thoughts on a terrible show produced by a moronic company - February 3, 2014
11:09 - Awesome match and the right ending, done in the right way. The post match beat down was unusual, only because I'm not sure what it's leading towards. Aren't we supposed to believe that Orton is at odds with the Authority? He believes they're conspiring against him, and they're trying to make sure he's the right choice to represent the company. Presumably, a loss would make things worse for both sides. So what sense does it make to have Orton standing in the ring with the Authority's muscle to close the show? Why not just let the show end with Bryan having his little moment? It's not as if the fans don't resent the company enough already? Give them this little happy ending.
11:00 - Is this WWE's way of forewarning us that we'd have to see Cena/Orton again?
10:47 - Got a kick out of the fact that the headset was actually dragged into the ring.
10:42 - Interesting to note is that Orton will apparently be facing all of his Chamber opponents over the next couple of weeks, and he's STARTING with Bryan. Granted, they do have a lot to worry about with the audience reaction, but it's too bad that Bryan wasn't the culmination of this challenge. Then again, I do understand that any other opponent would have resulted in some very unhappy fans.
10:23 - AJ on commentary is so much more fun and enjoyable when the announcers aren't bullying her.
10:14 - So somebody is finally chanting for a person who is actually in the match.....and they have him get pinned cleanly.
10:11 - Nice "We want Ziggler!" chant.
10:07 - Is it me, or is that a new "we're here" opening video?
10:00 - Is Alberto Del Rio planning on going to a Jersey bar after this segment? That outfit doesn't scream "Mexican Aristocrat."
9:57 - Well if there was ever a guy to save a segment, it's Alberto Del Rio....
9:54 - Sooooo, how do you think this Batista segment is going to go?
9:34 - My only exposure to Emma was at Axxess this past year. She wrestled a match and her theme music was plastered in my memory. The rest of the day, my friend and I were singing that tune.
9:31 - Mick Foley keeps tweeting about how Daniel Bryan should win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tonight. While I completely agree, am I mistaken that this is NOT a title match? Was it established anywhere in that promo that the title would be on the line?
9:23 - So is Miz going to turn heel now, only for it to be completely disregarded in a couple weeks?
9:21 - Anybody remember when Zack Ryder was Titus O'Neil's pro on NXT?
9:14 - Awesome camera shot of Cody going for that moonsault. Incredible. Do SOMETHING big with Cody, that kid's got it.
8:57 - Maybe I'm just cranky and exhausted from the snow, but are Jerry Lawler's jokes especially dreadful tonight?
8:48 - So far, 100% of the matches tonight have had some blood.
8:41 - No matter how hard or how often they try, Swagger always ends up in a losing streak angle.
8:37 - I get a kick out of the fact that the backup plan, if they want to put somebody "better" in the Elimination Chamber match, is to injure Christian. As if the guy hasn't had enough injuries (or injury angles) in the past two years.
8:34 - That comeback didn't even make sense.
8:29 - I will admit one thing, though. I am REALLY into this Shield/Wyatts feud.
8:23 - "Same old, same old." You said it, not me, Michael.
8:18 - By the way, on my screen, CM Punk -- but NOT Stephanie and Triple H -- is trending on Twitter.
8:06 - Wondering if Triple H's comments were directed at somebody OTHER than Randy Orton.....
8:05 - I'm wondering if we're seeing some production trickery. There are strong Punk chants that suddenly go away after a few seconds.
8:02 - That didn't take long. The CM Punk chants start. Oh, and after the Authority firmly established themselves as heels last night, Randy Orton is back to accusing them of wanting them of wanting to get the title off of him.
7:26 - Okay, it was a personal snow day for me today, which means I worked at home. And staring at my bed while working has made me pretty drowsy. Spending a couple hours cleaning out the driveway hasn't helped either. Which means, if this show isn't engaging, I might not make it the full three plus hours.
A few things to consider going into tonight's show: Will the live crowd continue to turn on Batista? Will they hijack segments? Will it be for Bryan or Punk? And will they "change course" to satisfy their fans and their own wrestlers?
Oh, and I will post the results of the Year End Awards shortly. I promise.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
7:32 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, February 2, 2014
WWE: "Just relax and enjoy the product the company gives you"
"Internet is so funny. You all read the sites so you all should know the 'plans' for Mania. None of those plans have Bryan in a title match so the internet exploding at the end of the show is beyond laughable. Plus dont hate on Rey, he didn't book himself as #30. The way most of you were acting the company should have called an audible and put Brooklyn Brawler as #30 just to piss you off even more. over 50,000 mania tix sold and a network that will change your life for ever is about to launch, so just relax and enjoy the product the company gives you. By the way, didn't you all shit on the wwe for the Sept - Nov ppvs last year and said you were done, but turned around to watch/buy the Rumble? Pittsburgh you were an awesome crowd and it was an honor to be in your building last night"
This letter, allegedly written by an anonymous top WWE Superstar, was sent to F4WOnline. If this letter doesn't prove how out of touch this company is, I don't know what will. It's actually somewhat disheartening that they even have the top Superstars believing this line of thinking.
This straw argument people use -- that Internet fans will NEVER be satisfied -- is a cheap excuse that overlooks the actual issue. Even Matt Striker used that argument on Twitter earlier this week, stating that the main event of WrestleMania could be Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd in an iron man match and we'd still complain about the result. That statement, as well as this one (particularly the Brooklyn Brawler comment) doesn't actually acknowledge the issue though -- that the company is insisting upon certain things, and that the company expects the fans to change their opinion based on what is provided to them ("just relax and enjoy the product the company gives you") instead of the company changing course to give the fans what they want.
Aside from Hulk Hogan and Hulkamania, has the company EVER experienced enormous success with a Superstar because THEY decided "he's our guy"? Austin was the result of the people. So was Rock. So was Cena (as hard as it is to believe). So was Batista. Sometimes those moments coincided -- guys like Bret Hart, HBK, Diesel, Edge, Triple H (through DX), Angle, and CM Punk got the company's seal of approval....but it wasn't without the fans' support. Even somebody who was forced down our throat, like Orton, likely experienced his greatest success when the fans DID demand it (following Legacy).
But now? Guys are seemingly punished for getting a rise from the audience. Look at Zack Ryder. Look at Dolph Ziggler. Look at Daniel Bryan, who HAS experienced the biggest push of his life, but SURELY would have been in an even loftier position if it was any other era. I've made this comment before, but imagine what this company would accomplish if they put as much effort into giving their fans what the want as they do working AROUND what their fans want (stuff like giving us Daniel Bryan in an opening segment "so the fans can get the chanting out of their systems").
Do I know for sure that this was actually written by a WWE Superstar? Or even anybody associated with the company whatsoever? No. But it does pinpoint the company's mentality. And it's extremely disgusting and frustrating.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
5:09 PM
Tags: Wrestling