Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ah, the tipping thing...

So I know I always say this probably makes me sound cheap, but I was reading an article on about whether you should be tipping on takeout orders – which I discussed a couple of months ago. And, surprisingly, the writer said it’s not necessary or expected. But, not as shockingly, the comments were the parts that annoyed me. I thought one commenter, “John,” put things very logically and eloquently (much of what I said in my prior post):

Menu prices should reflect the labor as well as the cost of materials and the restaurant's operating costs. The game of: let's give the customers a chance to look like cheap jerks so we can bitch about them behind their backs (and on the internet) - is lame.

Customer's are not your employers - we don't want to learn about restaurant tax policy - that's your employer's job. If you are unhappy with your wages, talk to your employer. Do not complain at people who are obligated to pay you exactly nothing when they provide a decent chunk of your income.

This recurring column does little more than make servers seem exceptionally greedy and whiny, thus justifying the behavior of poor tippers (in their minds - which is in control of their wallets). It is also frequently demeaning. Instead of this negative tact, a more positive approach would probably serve your purpose better.

But then “D,” a professional waiter, responded with this:

I am neither Greedy or Whiny. I am taking care of my family since my husband was laid off. I make $300 to $600 a week. I have a very good memory and recognize those who do not tip. I know you in other places and also, when you come back. You will get a commment if I see you out and ifyou come back in, your service will go down the toilet. Grow up!! If you can't afford to leave a tip then go to McDonalds.

So this person isn’t whiny, but she’d confront somebody in a social situation for not leaving a tip for a takeout order? And how ironic that this person says that we should “eat at McDonalds” if we can’t afford to leave a tip for a takeout order, when in reality, a McDonalds employee does just as much work as somebody who handles a takeout order: They take the order, bag it, and hand it to the customer. If we tip a waiter, why not tip a McDonalds employee? And honestly, if you read through the comments (unfortunately I can’t find the direct link), it’s amazing how some of these professionals can honestly argue that they believe they have earned extra money for literally putting plastic utensils, napkins, and a couple of meals into a bag. These people need to live in the real world, where you don’t get extra compensation for every single task you perform. It’s like that Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.

And I do love how many of the people who make this argument can make these grand blanket statements like, “if you eat out, you can afford a tip,” yet they get all uppity if you say that they’re waiters because they can’t get a better job.

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