Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Case of the.... Smallville - Episode 9-13

Long time viewers of Smallville, such as myself, have come to expect certain things. One of the top things on that list is that they typically follow up an “event” level episode with one that can be described as “filler.” It’s totally excusable in my opinion, especially when you consider how many epics they’ve had this season alone, but it doesn’t erase the fact that I don’t have a whole lot to say about it.

For the most part, I feel like this episode was designed as one giant “wink, wink” to the audience, having fun with all of the comic book references. But was I the only one a bit taken aback by all of the overt Star Wars references? Isn’t Star Wars a part of the 20th Century Fox family, while Smallville is produced by Warner Bros? Is there an affiliation here that I’m missing? It seemed really odd.

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1 comment:

Fronge said...

Season 9 is going on and after tonight's Smallville episode next one we can see in the month of April.