Sunday, September 20, 2009

[a case of the summer] - The Final Brief Case - Less brief than ever!

As this is the final edition of the Brief Case, I'm not going to give the back story on one briefcase photo. Oh no, what would be so special about that? You'll be getting FIVE backstories!

Photo location: Super Shop

How's this for a fun fact? The establishment in which I took this photograph is no longer in business. I used to go to this mart for coffee, and last winter while there I noticed this giant Slush Puppy inflatable advertisement. It was just sitting there. Not quite in the trash, but clearly intended to be trash. So what did I do? I snapped this photograph. And I may have taken the Slush Puppy home. But I'm not quite ready to admit that yet.

But I do love the contrast with the white snow, with the bright blue and red Slush Puppy.

Photo location: The Palisades

In northern Bergen County, where I live and grew up, there's a great view of New York City from the Palisades. I decided to take advantage of this great scenery, and snapped a shot of the Case of the Blog briefcase with the epic George Washington Bridge in the background. In addition to being a legitimately nice photo, I also like this one because of it's connection to my personal life. And plus NYC is quite the hotspot of the entertainment industry.

Photo location: Chatham, NJ

On my way back to work from grabbing lunch in Chatham one day, I noticed this really cool looking mailbox. It's real neat -- it's built to resemble a tractor. So obviously, I ran back to my car and grabbed the briefcase for this unique photo opportunity. I did have the good sense of removing the family name before sending it to print. Perhaps the owner is reading this right now.

Photo location: Palisades Center Mall

At the Palisades Center Mall in Nyack, NY, they have a crapload of coin operated rides. One of which is a Spider-Man car. One night I was meeting a bunch of friends at one of the Buffalo Wild Wings, and I realized that all of the clothing stores were closed, leaving the mall virtually empty. I decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity where I could roam the mall without any people being around. So I brought my briefcase and looked for fun photo ops. This was one of the ones I went with (why Spider Man has to drive, I haven't the faintest idea). I just wish the briefcase fit the seat a little better.

Photo location: Hackensack, NJ

Every morning when I head to work, I pass by a liquor store in Hackensack. One day I noticed that they have this copper statue sitting on a bench right by the entrance. I haven't a clue who it's of or how long he's been there -- but one day I just noticed it. I became determined to photograph the briefcase with him, and figured that the morning was the best time to do it (again, because there wouldn't be anybody around). I do remember it being absolutely freezing that day. I think it was in the midst of a snow storm.

For what it's worth, I attempted to do some research online to find out the significance of the statue, but came up with nothing. Of course, I did take a photo with him months later, though (as he prepared for St. Patrick's Day):

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