Monday, September 21, 2009

[a case of the summer] - The Final Pet Peeves

This being the final edition of Pet Peeves, I figured I'd just list the rest of the annoyances I had saved. But don't worry, I'm sure this doesn't even crack the surface of what gets under my skin. Also, check back later tonight/sometime tomorrow for my Heroes premiere recap!

1. Reading other people's handwriting.

2. When people say "no pun intended" when it was clearly intended.

3. The fact that puts the link for the Survivor "Final Words" video -- effectively revealing who was voted off -- before the link the episode itself.

4. When you order a fruit smoothie believing that it will be blended with fresh fruit, only to see them whip out a pre-mixed formula.

5. People who get personally offended when you change lanes to pass them. I just consider you a slow driver, I'm not banging your wife or anything.

6. When television shows awkwardly integrate Facebook and Twitter into dialogue in a blatant attempt to sound hip and trendy.

We also have two from our friend Neal. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of the second offense:

7. Anything that has to do with Harry Potter.

8. When people pronounce the word template like tem-PLATE instead of tem-PLIT.

And our final one is from Frank:

9. People who don't use turn signals and then get mad that you didn't let them in.

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