Monday, September 14, 2009

[a case of the summer] - Pet Peeves

Just as an FYI - I will be concluding the [a case of the summer] feature the week of September 20th, as the 22nd marks the official end of summer. Hope you all enjoyed it. Until then, though, here's your latest edition of Pet Peeves:

1. The expression "full circle." By definition, a circle is full. If it's not full, it's not a circle.

2. When the tags on the back of people's shirts/clothing are showing.

3. DJs that ask a trivia question regarding a particular song, but then don't play that song after the answer is revealed.

4. ATM machines that display your balance on the screen after you make a withdrawal. Yeah, like I want everybody standing in my vicinity to know how much money I have in my account.

And the fifth comes from Neal over at Oblivious to Melody:

5. This unabashed praise for Mariano Rivera, or any closer for that matter.

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