Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Matt Hardy Suicide Hoax

Shortly after I posted last night's entry, it became apparent that Matt Hardy's "GOODBYE" video was some sort of twisted publicity stunt. What he was trying to get out of it is unknown. Perhaps this was some ill-conceived way of saying he's been "reborn" (a Matt Hardy favorite), or maybe he just wanted to be the center of attention. Whatever the motivation, his actions are absolutely deplorable.

I resisted being overly harsh last night, because I wanted to make sure everything WAS a hoax. Sure, Shane Helms and Matt's sister-in-law indicated it wasn't legitimate, but these are the same people that seemingly refuse to acknowledge (publicly, anyway) that anyone in their crew has a problem. I didn't want to chastise the guy, only to wake up and find out he did kill himself. Well, the video has since been removed and there are newspaper articles indicating that he's just fine.

Listen, I know somebody who has committed suicide. Worst off, Matt Hardy knows countless people that have committed suicide. I have a pretty tasteless sense of humor, and if things are clearly put in the context of comedy, I'm willing to laugh at just about anything. But that wasn't Matt Hardy's intent. He clearly wanted people think that he was going to kill himself last night. For what? What was the intent? To bring more attention to himself and his "brand"? That's sad, disgusting, and pathetic. This guy is EXCEPTIONALLY disturbed.

Honestly, I feel foolish. I don't even like Matt Hardy, but when I saw that video I thought back to the friend I couldn't save, and I just started sending wrestlers messages on Twitter, hoping that they would reach out to Hardy to stop him from doing something so permanent. I became invested in his survival, and when it turned out to be a ruse, I felt embarrassed -- for him and for me.

And while I agree with Shane Helms that he (meaning Shane) shouldn't be bashed for the actions of his friend, I was also a bit taken aback by the nonchalant manner he blew it off. And it made me think, "yes, you can support your friend....and yes, you can refrain from ridiculing him in public....but you don't need to comment on every single one of his actions." And that's a big issue I have with Helms -- he never keeps his mouth shut. Anytime anything happens, instead of not commenting on it, he attempts to "defend" it, and then gets bent out of shape when people judge him for it.

What now? I say we just draw a line in the sand and deprive him of the one thing he fuels himself on -- his fans. And that begins with unfollowing him on Twitter. Please, everybody just do that.

Matt Hardy, you're a sick man. I hope you get the help you need, and then you just disappear forever.

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