Thursday, January 31, 2013
Barber Shop Window: Coexist & Million Dollar Man Tuxedo
NOW I definitely think it's fair to say to say that I'm addicted. Over the holidays I decided to nab two more t-shirts, both at the price of $14.99. One was quite possibly my favorite shirt that Barber Shop Window has released yet -- the Coexist t-shirt. You've probably all seen those Coexist bumper stickers, with the word spelled out with different religious symbols. The message being that while we may have different beliefs, we should able to live together in peace. This shirt follows that same line of thought, but instead of religious symbols, each letter is represented by a different famous wrestling logo. The "C" comes from WWE's WCW logo. The "O" comes from the nWo logo. The "E" from the ECW logo. The "X" from D-Generation X. The "I" from Hulkamania, the "S" from SmackDown, and the "T" from TNA. I love this shirt. It arrived on Saturday and I wore it on Sunday. Well worth the wait.
The other shirt was the Million Dollar Man Tuxedo shirt. Based on the classic tuxedo shirt -- a black t-shirt with a white shirt and bowtie printed on it -- this shirt takes a nice twist with the design of the Million Dollar Man's classic outfit. I enjoy this shirt a great deal, but I can't help but feel like they're going to continue releasing different colors (they're already offering the green version), and I'm going to like THAT one more. I actually do prefer the black/gold over the green/silver.....but if they were to offer the gray/purple or white/gold, well, then I'd be in a pickle.
I ordered the t-shirts on Christmas Eve, and received it on January 26. So, it was just over a month -- which is longer than their anticipated time frame. But I will give them the benefit of the doubt here, since it was ordered over the holiday season and they probably got a lot orders at the time. Plus, as I said in my prior post, I really stopped paying attention to how long the shirts take to arrive.
As I always say, the shirts are well worth the wait.
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Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:46 PM
Tags: Personal, Wrestling, Wrestling Tees
Monday, January 28, 2013
LIVE Raw thoughts - January 28, 2013
11:10 - I know I've been crapping on this episode all night, but holy hell if that wasn't an awesome closing segment. Everything about it was pretty damn perfect (except for WWE's Twitter page spoiling Lesnar's return before he actually came out -- what is up with them?) I LOVED the video reveal that Heyman and Punk have been in cahoots with Maddox and the Shield all along. Everything about it was great. There was a logical reason for the camera being there, and it actually had a continuity to it as well (we had seen Maddox with a camera for the past couple of months). And the filming of it was great as well. The emergence of the Shield out of the darkness was a thing of beauty. Just awesome. And it only got better. Seeing Paul Heyman absolutely, positively swear -- with a 100% straight face -- that it wasn't him on camera, when it so clearly was, was hilarious without being ridiculous.
And all of it was capped off with Lesnar's appearance. His silent interactions with both Vince and Heyman were great. And let me also note how much I love how Heyman -- who is known for his various controversies and confrontations -- is the voice of reason with Lesnar and Punk. He's always in the background telling them not to do something or to think something through. It's great.
If nothing else, this makes me very eager to see what's going to happen next week. And after a really lackluster show, that says something. Unfortunately, though, by attacking looks like we're getting that Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar rematch none of us really want to see.
10:57 - With cold and flu season the way it's been, I personally think Vince was just being responsible there.
10:50 - Absolutely well deserved acknowledgement of Trish Stratus' abilities and contribution to the WWE. Trish Stratus is actually one of the great surprises in wrestling history. When she first debuted, it seemed that she was nothing more than a pretty face with fairly lackluster mic skills. Even whens he first won the Women's Championship, many (including me) thought it would be another Debra situation. She was just a trophy holding another trophy. Instead, she developed into the most consistent, well rounded female competitors that many of us would ever get to watch. She will likely continue to be the measuring stick for many years to come.
10:46 - There are some people who think that Team Hell No has run its course. I couldn't disagree more. I think these two are still great together, and even more important -- them being tag team champions gives the tag team championship a higher profile than its had in years.
10:41 - Interesting that Jericho/Ziggler are wrestling in the face corner, while Team Hell No are on the heel side.
10:34 - So everybody is predicting that the show ends with Brock Lesnar. My question for you is, will it save this show? I just don't know.
But seriously, what's different about Chris Jericho's face? I can't put my finger on it, he just looks different. I feel like its his eyebrows. Are his eyebrows different?
Also, Jericho is committing an attire pet peeve of mine: When somebody wears an old design at a PPV, but then debuts a new design the show after a PPV.
10:30 - Once again, it's not a good sign when the announcers are apologizing for the show. These Raw Roulette shows have not been good or even entertaining in a long, long time.
10:22 - I love the idea of the Intercontinental Cup, if only because it gets us a #1 Contender WITHOUT that lazy method I hate.
By the way, I'm debating with former WWE writer Court Bauer right now about CM Punk. He doesn't seem to think Punk can be a heel if it saves his life. I think he's a great heel. What are your thoughts? Someone chime in on my behalf! :)
10:08 - Geez, everybody seems a bit off tonight. First John Cena talks about Punk's rematch before it was even announced, and then when Punk finally announces the rematch, he fails to mention the event it'll be at. What's in the water tonight?
10:02 - You think Punk might get a rematch?
9:54 - Also, I REALLY wish Rock had come out wearing the super expensive shirt, dress pants, and sunglasses. I miss THAT Rock.
9:53 - I will forgive everything about this show if the Rock unveils a new WWE Championship. And if it doesn't suck, of course.
9:49 - That was completely pointless. And when the announcers -- your voice of the company -- are openly stating that the show is terrible, what does that tell you? THIS is your Road to WrestleMania? Yikes.
9:43 - Maybe they should rename the World Heavyweight Championship to "A Series of Uninteresting Feuds that Won't End."
9:41 - Next spin the wheel challenge: Alberto Del Rio unraveling tape vs. Zack Ryder changing a tire.
9:38 - I mean, it's not even as if he can't find the end of the tape and that's why he can't unravel it. He's not even making an effort. And what's Big Show's solution? To tape up the taped up hand even more! Not to tape up the free hand?
9:36 - Is there a reason why Alberto Del Rio isn't even trying to unravel the tape? If the purpose was to make him watch and not allow him to escape, why not tape up both arms?
9:28 - Hey, two guys John Cena can easily beat are going to square off. Hooray!
9:26 - I think we might be seeing a Tensai face turn right now.
9:25 - We've got Tensai in lingerie on Raw.....and Kofi Kingston live tweeting on Twitter. What's wrong with this picture?
9:10 - I wanted to wait for that segment to end before commenting on it. Okay, so obviously, the first major eyebrow raiser was the fact that John Cena implied that there would be a Punk/Rock rematch before it was actually announced. Yes, we all assumed that, but Cena made it sound like a confirmed conclusion, and not something that is simply expected. So it was completely awkward. More offensive to me, though, was the complete disrespect he paid to the World Heavyweight Championship. Again, anybody with half a brain knows that title hasn't been treated with the same prestige as the WWE Championship in years, but there's no reason why the company should acknowledge that. First season completely blew off the title by ignoring it while discussing whether he'd face Punk or Rock. And then he took it one step further, and explicitly stated that he would have a better chance of beating the World Heavyweight Championship. And then to put the nail in the coffin, he made it sound like he was doing the big thing by going against the WWE Champion, while making ti sound like facing the World Heavyweight Champion would be taking the easy way out. He really made that title seem like a bronze (not even silver) medal.
Just as discouraging, though, was the Shield attack. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was executed awesomely. They're doing a great job with Shield....their beatdowns seem so legitimate. And they do the numbers game great (like how they took down Ryback). But it was a real missed opportunity. Chances are neither Rock or Cena will turn heel (although I say they should go for it with Rock), so why not simply tease it? Somebody on Scott Keith's blog noted that the Shield is yet to attack John Cena, while they HAVE attacked pretty much every other top face (Ryback, Sheamus, Rock, Orton, etc.) So why not have Shield come down, and NOT attack Cena? Just give him a nod or something, and then leave. And then have everybody (announcers, Rock, etc.) bring up the fact that Cena hasn't been attacked. Maybe you won't turn Cena heel, but creating this mystery around him might add a little much needed complexity. They really missed out here.
8:58 - Really disappointing to see Cody Rhodes lose so decisively to John Cena. The mustache thing is so ridiculous, but it has gotten Cody a ton of heat and recognition. USE THAT! He deserves better than this. There was literally no reason why somebody at Cody's level needed to be used in this role. It just as easily could have been David Otunga.
8:53 - It just occurred to me that the commercials for all of these USA original series look exactly the same. Same style. Same music. Completely interchangeable.
8:50 - This Bo Dallas win would mean a whole lot more if they didn't do this "champion loses a non-title match" thing every single month. With very single title.
8:48 - Anybody going to mention that Wade Barrett was the original NXT upstart?
8:41 - That Hall of Fame segment was odd. Why did they show the graphic of Backlund, then quickly jump to the crowd for half a second, and then return to the graphic? And then they did the exact same thing with Foley. Odd.
8:38 - I was skeptical when they put Ryback in a comedic situation. I mean, why spend the past year building up this guy as a monster, just to make people laugh at him? So having him Shell Shock Matt Striker was a smart move. It made it seem like he's a guy who's not joking around.
8:19 - Miz filling the role of guest referee is a bit unusual. Since he's so closely involved with one of the competitors, we're obviously supposed to believe he was selected (otherwise, why not use that Superstar wheel that Vickie had JUST mentioned?) So why would Vickie pick somebody that favors the face, when she's supposed to be a heel?
8:11 - Great passion from Punk in that opening promo, but what is with WWE and their public job evaluations? Actually, isn't this about the one year anniversary of when Triple H did that to Johnny Ace? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the Raw after the Royal Rumble. didn't take long to reuse THAT idea.
Also, I REALLY hope this doesn't lead to the firing of Heyman. He and Punk are golden together. No need to end that partnership. Unless, of course, this leads to the return of Brock.
7:39 - Alright, it's the first Raw after the Royal Rumble and the official start to the Road to WrestleMania. How about a quick Pre-Raw discussion? I just posted this on Twitter, and thought it was worthy of noting here, and that's that the Rock's victory last night didn't come at the expense of the entire roster. One big complaint about Rock beating Cena was that it made the entire roster look like a bunch of losers. Cena is so clearly presented as being a level above everyone else, and the Rock was able to beat him clean. What does that say about everybody else?
On the other hand, last night the tricks CM Punk has been using to beat guys like Cena and Ryback worked on the Rock as well. He cheated, and he won. The only difference was that this time, Vince McMahon intervened and gave Rock another shot. Who knows what would have happened if he did the same for Ryback or Cena over the past couple of months. As a result, Rock won....but he didn't make the whole roster look like losers as a result.
Don't get me wrong, there are times that I've argued adamantly that the challenger must win, and he must win cleanly. Cena vs. JBL at WrestleMania 21 immediately springs to mind. Like Punk, JBL had built a bit of a legacy due to his long title reign. During his reign, JBL overcame Undertaker, Booker T, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, the Big Show, and others. Nobody was able to overcome him. In order to MAKE John Cena a star, it was incredibly important that he beat JBL cleanly, on his first shot. It would show that he could do what all those other guys couldn't. If a new star was going to end Punk's reign, I would take the same stance. But since it's not only an already established star, but also somebody who is a BIGGER star than the champion, I think this was the right call. What do you all think?
Posted by
Matt Basilo
7:46 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Sunday, January 27, 2013
LIVE Royal Rumble thoughts - January 27, 2013
10:54 - Quite honestly, I was okay with that booking. Sure, in a perfect world, Punk woulda retained and we woulda avoided Rock/Cena II, but since that was inevitable this was a fine way to go. Giving Punk the teased victory made him look like less of a loser in the end. Rock cutting off McMahon from his announcement that he was going to strip Punk of the title made him look like a hero. I knew Punk would have to lose the title eventually, and let's not forget that he got to hold the gold for 434 days -- during a period that there were MANY excuses to take the championship off of him.
So no, I am not upset Punk lost the title. The only thing that upsets me is that after over 400 days as WWE Champion, the title story for WrestleMania is being shifted to Rock/Cena. It just kinda sucks that he gets relegated to a lesser story, after holding the championship for that long.
10:41 - Wow, I'm legitimately shocked. Still 20 minutes....swerve?
10:40 - I'm guessing this is a tease. Rock still wins.
10:37 - Always sucks when an unforeseen catastrophe blows a spot. Nothing Rock or Punk could have done about the table collapsing.
10:33 - Guarantee you that Bret Hart is backstage talking about how terrible Rock's Sharpshooter is.
10:21 - Punk tidying up the Spanish announce table just after Rock teased using it was a great subtle heel move. Awesome.
10:20 - We do have some new gear for Punk, which is cool. Although the white background on the shin pads is curious, when that doesn't appear elsewhere.
10:19 - Punk getting right in Rock's face with the title was great.
10:15 - Wow, surprisingly amateur moment when the camera equipment flew into the shot.
10:14 - IF this is Punk's last night as champion, I'm sad he's not wearing the championship around his waist. Heyman holding the title works for his promos, but for his matches I prefer when he wears it.
10:01 - So Cena wins....and while I'm okay with that, the ending sequence was extraordinarily underwhelming. It's like these two were tripping over each other as they ran towards the ropes. I'm wondering if they should have ended it with Cena and Sheamus or Cena and Orton, though, only because I don't think anybody thought Ryback would be in either title match at WrestleMania.
I am going to change my earlier prediction, though. I think WWE views Cena's win as a "happy ending." If they were going to have Punk beat Rock, they would have done that match before the Rumble. I see Rock winning the WWE Championship tonight.
9:59 - Cool elimination for Sheamus. Down to Ryback and Cena. I'm guessing Cena.
9:57 - I'm not dying to see any of these three win, but this is a pretty epic final three. Cena, Sheamus, Ryback.
9:55 - The final five are just who you'd expect them to be. A lot of possibilities here.
9:54 - You could tell Jericho was going to get eliminated when he started hitting all of his greatest hits.
9:50 - Sin Cara was a bit of an underwhelming return, only because his music isn't something that strikes an immediate chord. He would've been a better choice for an earlier appearance. And hey, look at this Bo Dallas push we're getting.
9:49 - So there's still Ryback. Is there another "shocker" to come?
9:45 - The stuff with Kane and Daniel Bryan was great. By the way, is JBL having a stroke or something? He's making a lot of really strange mistakes.
9:40 - Okay, Antonio Cesaro is now one of my OTHER new favorite wrestlers. He, too, is debuting a new pair of trunks, different from the ones he wore earlier in the night.
9:37 - Only 10 guys left, and no Daniel Bryan, Kane, Randy Orton, Cesaro, and Ryback yet. Am I missing anybody else?
9:33 - I kinda love that Godfather's music never stopped playing from his entrance, elimination, and exit.
9:31 - I know there are a lot of traditionalists out there who don't like the Kofi Kingston stuff, but I think it's awesome and fun. And it was especially good since, after all that work, he ends up getting eliminated anyway. Question, though: Why not just slide the chair back to the ring?
9:28 - And there goes my "pick." Bye Brodus.
9:27 - Okay, one of my guesses are right. Rey Mysterio with a surprise return.
9:25 - Brodus Clay. Don't think I'm winning.
9:24 - Alright, who ever draws #13 is my pick to win, according to the contest that WrestleChat is doing. Let's see who it is.
9:22 - Does not look like Sheamus is wearing new gear. Which is weak.
9:19 - Goldust trying to eliminate Titus O'Neil. Perhaps to get back at him for that whole firing thing.
9:17 - Cody doing the drop to the ground uppercut was cool, too.
9:16 - GOLDUST! I actually considered him as a possibility but didn't mention it. Would be cool to see him and Cody go at it.
9:13 - Santino bit was pretty funny. Plus it allows them to finally have an elimination. These "90 seconds" are flying by, though.
9:10 - The always creative Kofi Kingston comes in wearing some awesome new old school Batman inspired attire. Love it.
9:08 - Cody Rhodes has immediately become one of my favorite wrestlers because he changed his gear for his two different matches. Macho Man WrestleMania 4 style, there!
9:07 - Odd that Jericho went his entire career with a tattoo (or a noticeable one, anyway), and upon retirement gets two big ones.
9:05 - Am I wrong, or does Chris Jericho look kinda strange? Like, are his eyebrows missing or something?
9:04 - For what it's worth, the last time such a big deal was made out of somebody being punished with #1, it was with Chris Benoit....and it resulted in the biggest push of his career.
Oh, and CHRIS F'N JERICHO!!!!! Awesome sauce.
9:02 - Well that confirms it, the Rumble match is up next. Slightly disappointing, but that's fine. Increases the chances of a Rock win, though.
9:00 - Looks like WWE did a fantastic job with the Royal Rumble Fest. The Shooting Straight Panel looked particularly interesting. They did a panel on the Montreal Screwjob, one with WCW guys, and another with the DX/Kliq crew.
8:55 - This goes in line with my discussion about how the brand extension is all but dead....but remember how, just a couple years back, Raw and Smackdown each had 15 entrants? By the way, I'm wondering if they will air the Rumble match before Rock/Punk, since they put on the hype video.
8:50 - Glad to see Team Hell No retain, and thrilled that Daniel Bryan got to secure the win. Fun match overall.
8:39 - Cody needs to stop wearing this black-with-purple-trim ring jacket with black and (color that isn't purple) attire. Now, it's black and blue. It looks like Daniel Bryan has reverted back to his pre-YES era dragon attire.
8:35 - Loved the old school backstage interviews with the Royal Rumble participants. Reminds me of the old days with Hogan, Demolition, Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, and the rest.
8:33 - Since most of us have never even heard Big E Langston's voice, is anybody else wondering if that's his actual voice? Or was he just doing some wacky interviewer voice?
8:28 - They stole that spot from Cena/Batista (where most fans bashed Cena for), but I was fine with it. Del Rio looked tough for surviving the brutal beating that Big Show unleashed, and he managed to get some periods of offense as well. Plus, since Del Rio is pretty fresh into his babyface run, it's natural for some of those sneaky heel tactics to slip in.
8:24 - It looks like Big Show's got a cut on his elbow. I'm guessing it was a band aid.
8:22 - That was a NASTY landing that Del Rio took. Also, what the crap is hanging from Big Show's elbow?
8:20 - You know what makes it even worse that the World Heavyweight Championship match wasn't included in the opening video? The fact that the Last Man Standing premise fits PERFECTLY with the 10-second countdown theme they were using.
8:08 - Really awkward beginning with the Bret Hart skit after Big Show's entrance. I have to say, though, that Bret Hart looks a lot better than he has in his prior appearances. Yeah, he's gone pretty gray, but overall he looks livelier. I still think it was a terrible decision to take the car away from ADR's entrance, but I'm happy he's got the white scarf on.
8:05 - Oh, and they get curtain jerker duty as well. Here's hoping they (a) bring the car back into Del Rio's entrance, and (b) Del Rio wears either his red or white scarf. NO BLACK SCARF!
8:03 - Loved seeing Punk get so much attention in the opening video, but the poor World Heavyweight Championship gets left out in the cold yet again.
7:59 - I've got my first beer open. And damn, is this Royal Rumble ad TERRIBLE. WWE usually does a fine enough job, but this is bad. Made additionally awkward due to Cena's snarky smile at the end, in a restaurant full of people that don't think he'll win.
7:52 - Quite a decisive victory for Cesaro. About 5 minutes until the show begins.
7:49 - I'm actually just now starting to find it somewhat ironic how Miz/Cesaro is one of the better built midcard championship feuds (it being one of the VERY few that isn't built on the premise of "challenger beats champion in a non-title match), yet it gets relegated to pre-show duty.
7:45 - Wow, Matt Striker is taking an extreme anti-Miz slant on his announcing. And in a very curious manner, as well. It's one thing to say that you don't like somebody's personality or actions, but to call them a crappy wrestler? Who does that benefit?
7:42 - Looks like some new gear for Antonio Cesaro. Bully for him! Can't tell if Miz is.
7:32 - The show is officially purchased! I'm now catching the YouTube Pre-Show, and what I've learned already: Unfortunately, the Big Show is STILL wearing that god awful camouflage singlet. It seems like he's now added military stripes to the sides, though. Doesn't make it any better.
7:05 - We're about an hour away from the Royal Rumble. I'm enjoying my pizza, getting ready to crack open a beer, and I thought you'd join me in a trip down memory lane by taking a look back at my LIVE Royal Rumble thoughts from LAST YEAR. Enjoy!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
7:07 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 4-11
I hope everybody has managed to stay healthy and warm
over the past week or so. We’ve
experienced some light snow, but there has been A LOT of illness being
spread. At work, we’ve had around 5 or
so people out at a time throughout the past two weeks. It’s been rough. Keep sanitized and get your flu shots. And I can’t stress this enough – sneeze and
cough into the inside of your elbow, NOT YOUR HANDS! That is all.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
6:39 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries
Quick Royal Rumble Predictions
Alright, be sure to check back later tonight for my LIVE thoughts coverage of tonight's Royal Rumble (one of only two PPVs I'll always buy). I thought I'd give some quick predictions on the show.
I predict that EITHER Rock won't win the WWE Championship OR Cena won't win the Royal Rumble. One will happen, but the other seems a little obvious. I also think there's a chance they'll end the show with the WWE Championship match, not the Rumble match. Although I hope that's not the case.
As far as the Rumble goes, here are some guesses on what will happen:
Dolph Ziggler will get the marathon man treatment and will last longer than anybody else. But he won't win. Also, if the title matches are after the Rumble match, I could conceivably see him cash in. But if that happens before WrestleMania, I see them waiting until Elimination Chamber.
Kane will break HBK's all time elimination record.
Ryback will have the most eliminations out of anybody in this year's match.
I've managed to avoid any and all spoilers regarding surprise entrants (since I want them to be a surprise), but here's who I think could appear:
John Morrison, since he still seems to be on good terms with the company and they do drop his name every now and again. If he does appear, I see him and Kofi Kingston simultaneously do one of those defying near eliminations.
Bob Backlund
Diamond Dallas Page
Billy Gunn
Ricardo Rodriguez
We'll also see at least one big return. Possibilities:
Mark Henry
Rey Mysterio
That's all I got right now. Enjoy the show!!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
5:47 PM
Tags: Wrestling
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Overview
Thank you, one and all, for following this ten day journey known as my Top Ten Cases Year-End Awards. Now, here's an overview of both my picks and your voting results. Also, be sure to visit my blog tomorrow for my LIVE Royal Rumble thoughts!
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:25 PM
Friday, January 25, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Will the WWE Unify Titles and Officially End the Brand Extension?
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:16 PM
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Will the WWE Network Launch in 2013?
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:27 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Best WWE Web Series
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:07 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Most Shocking Story of the Year
Posted by
Matt Basilo
9:42 PM
Monday, January 21, 2013
LIVE Raw thoughts - January 21, 2013
11:03 - Wow, let's hope the Rumble match is better than that series of promos. Enjoyable show overall -- and I'm psyched for the Rumble -- but a rough ending.
Anyway, check back Sunday as I will be providing my LIVE thoughts for the Royal Rumble. And also continue to check my blog daily as I continue to update my Top Ten Cases: 2012 Year-End Awards!
11:00 - The only two people who are worth listening to -- Daniel Bryan and Kane -- and they forget to turn their mics on?
10:58 - Oh great, the OTHER smiley babyface.
10:54 - Really? This is the promo they're closing the show with? They should've ended it with the Heyman/Rock promo, followed by the Shield attack....and then closed with Vince confronting Punk and Heyman backstage and making the stipulation.
10:45 - Bob Backlund is a well deserved member of the Hall of Fame.
10:39 - I still think it's an AWFUL idea to take Alberto Del Rio's car entrance away from him since his face turn. Why does WWE insist on changing their characters when they turn face? Also, the black scarf was bad enough when he was wearing black gear, but it looks especially dreadful with his Mexican gear. The red scarf looked cool, but the white one would work too (and keeps with his class/pure character).
10:34 - Things I loved about that segment: (a) Paul Heyman muttering "this isn't going to end well" upon seeing Vince McMahon; (b) Punk not letting up about being clever despite the fact that it could hurt his chances at proving that he's got nothing to do with the Shield; and (c) Paul Heyman making the great argument that the Shield has made numerous attacks against people who have no relation to Punk.
10:25 - I haven't a clue what John Cena could say that is so important or explosive that it warrants closing the show. What can he say other than promising to win the Rumble?
10:21 - I like these Beat the Clock Challenges more than the ones we used to see a few years ago, where the matches were in the 2-4 minute range instead of the 10-15.
10:15 - I loved how Barrett followed Sheamus as he ran towards the rope and just clotheslined him out of the ring. Brilliant.
10:11 - Only in WWE does a bleeding mouth always equal internal bleeding.
10:09 - I mean absolutely no disrespect to Martin Luther King and his contribution to our society is immense. But I think it's a little much to say that we might not all be sitting here watching WWE Raw if it weren't for him.
9:56 - How much did Rock pay for that ticket? You know, that ticket that allows him full backstage access and the playing of his theme as he enters the ringside area?
9:50 - Alicia Fox loses and The Rock isn't allowed in the building. Not a great Martin Luther King day for WWE's black Superstars. Also, if I were Punk, I wouldn't trust what Heyman is promising. He couldn't even deliver on balloons last time.
9:47 - Gotta love Jerry Lawler referring to Kaitlyn winning the Divas Championship as the "little story" while pushing Eve quitting as the "big story." Which Diva is still with the company?
9:40 - There's something very humorous about the sentence, "Everyone everywhere is going to hug!"
9:33 - While I've been telling Daniel Bryan to get a haircut for months now, I do gegt a kick out of his hair getting parted to the side right now.
9:25 - If Miz is going to use the Figure Four as a finisher, he might want to learn how to apply it.
9:17 - Love AJ's knee high red Converse. Speaking of which, have you checked out her new graphic on the WWE Superstar page? HOT! Also, why haven't we seen an updated CM Punk photo? In the past week or so they've updated half of the Superstars' graphics -- but not the WWE Champions? Who looks completely different now that he's shaved his head? Lame.
9:07 - Awesome promo by CM Punk, and the presence of Paul Heyman is exactly what makes this partnership work. All he did was stand in the background and hold the microphone up so that Punk could hold the title in his hands throughout his speech. If only the announcers and everybody responded to Punk this positively during the early days of his heel turn.
8:58 - I understand the desire to build anticipation for Rock's appearance and to make all of his appearances seem special, but at the same time I don't completely understand this mentality of actually getting Rock to come to an arena only to use him so sparingly. That was one issue people had with the Rock/Cena feud....Rock was barely there. Now he is here. I'd plaster him all over the show.
8:54 - Evidently loitering isn't illegal there.
8:47 - Gotta love when they sacrifice guys fans WANT to root for (Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder) for people the company insists we root for (Big Show, Alberto Del Rio).
8:40 - I'm guessing Ryder doesn't last as long as Kofi.
8:30 - As scary as it sounds, Orton arguably needed that win more than Cesaro. These two have fought a couple of times now, if I'm not mistaken, and each time Cesaro has avoided losing, so I was okay with him losing clean here. Plus, Cesaro has been so incredibly protected -- even against top stars -- that it's okay for him to take a loss here.
8:17 - So which direction do you see this going in? Will the winner of Beat the Clock go the obvious route and pick #30, or will they try to make history by picking #1?
8:06 - Loved Heyman referring to Vickie as a helpless widow. But must we see the Rock concert AGAIN? Then again, my 63 year old dad (who was watching NCIS) just passed by and said "The Rock is pretty funny." So what do I know?
Also, did they officially end the narrated introduction videos? Or did they just pass on it because of the MLK tribute?
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:08 PM
Tags: LIVE thoughts, Wrestling
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Most Successful Turn of the Year
Posted by
Matt Basilo
2:07 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Next Superstar to Become a First-Time World Champion
Posted by
Matt Basilo
6:34 PM
A Case of the.... The Vampire Diaries - Episode 4-10
Annnnnd we’re back!
I hope everybody had a safe and happy holiday season and new year. Since we’ve last discussed The Vampire
Diaries, we’ve learned that a spinoff is being developed to focus on Klaus and
the original vampires. I think this
could be a good thing, I just hope its more Angel than Joey. Fingers crossed.
Posted by
Matt Basilo
3:28 PM
Tags: Television, The Vampire Diaries
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Superstar Poised for the Most Successful 2013
Posted by
Matt Basilo
4:43 PM
Friday, January 18, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Superstar with the Most Disappointing Year
Posted by
Matt Basilo
8:37 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Breakout Star of the Year
Posted by
Matt Basilo
4:30 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Top Ten Cases: WWE 2012 Year-End Awards - Superstar of the Year
Posted by
Matt Basilo
4:09 PM