Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Case of the Mondays: TV Round Up!

A Case of the.... Heroes - Episode 3-25:

Like most people, I was pretty critical of the second season of Heroes. And I’ve also been outspoken about the lack of significant and long-term character development. As such, I think it’s fair to say that I’m not just some blind Heroes fan that will compliment the show no matter how silly or nonsensical it may get. I issue that forewarning because I’m going to make a rather bold statement, which is that this season’s finale was damn near flawless.

A Case of the.... 24 - Episode 7-20:

According to Chloe, Tony’s recent heel turn “makes no sense.” I’m not the type that needs an immediate explanation for what I see, but I’m eager to find out what Tony’s up to and who he is working for before I utter the words, “you know what? She’s got a point.”

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