Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Case of the.... 24 - Episodes 7-23 & 7-24

That was a pretty risky ending to 24, huh?

I don’t really mind the open ended conclusion, because things typically don’t tie up in a neat little package in exactly 24 hours, but considering that in a lot of ways this was the “make it or break it” season (after a disappointing Day 6), I expected a more explosive, conclusive finale.

As many people have noted, this season kicked off with Jack vs. Tony and after spending much of the day working side by side, it all came full circle. However, as it turned out, Tony WASN’T playing with the bad guys after all. Not completely, anyway. His motivation the entire time hasn’t been for power or money, or even to take down the government he’s grown to resent. Instead, everything he’s done has been to get close enough to the man who orchestrated his wife’s death.

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