Monday, June 22, 2009

[a case of the summer] - Pet Peeves

I decided to go the Conan O'Brien route, where he would give his segments the most straight forward, obvious name available. Why force the wit and creativity? Anyway, here is a list of five pet peeves of mine.

1. Waitresses that don't offer their opinion when you're trying to decide between two meals.

2. When people complain about those who won't let them out of a conversation, only to continue the conversation (unprovoked) after an obvious exit is provided.

3. When people who use "there," "their," and "they're," "your" and "you're," and "to," "too," and "two" incorrectly.

4. For that matter, people who call you pretentious for correcting their grammar. As if you wouldn't correct me if I said 2+2=7.

5. Grown men who use the phrase "LOL."

Have your own pet peeve that you'd like to share? Send me an e-mail! The more unusual, the better.

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