Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Case of Beer - Anchorman - [a case of the summer]

This week I'll be discussing another lesser-known but very enjoyable game -- Anchorman!  We started playing this game over the summer during college, and I'd play it more now except for the fact that you have people who really don't like drinking out of the same pitcher (thus, they would not care for Dunk-A-Roos either).

There are two teams, and each team has an Anchorman.  For simplicity sake, let's say each team has 3 people, and we'll call them "Team A" and "Team B."  All you need to play is a pitcher and a quarter.

Let's say Team A is up first.  Team B fills the pitcher up with as much or as little beer as they'd like.  The catch is that whichever team loses needs to drink the beer, so filling it up all the way is a gamble.  Team A, meanwhile, has the quarter.  The three members of Team A will pass the quarter between each other with their hands under the table, so that Team B can't see.  You can do whatever you'd like to try and trick the other team, like acting like you're passing the quarter when you're actually not.  

Once Team A has decided upon who is holding the quarter, all three members put both fists on the table.  Each member of Team B now gets to guess which hand is holding the quarter.  If Team B successfully find the quarter, they win and Team A needs to drink the beer.  If they can't, Team B loses and they need to drink the beer.

So where does the name "Anchorman" come into play?  Well, the designated Anchorman needs to finish the pitcher no matter how much or how little is left.  If the two other team members want to be nice, they'll drink it evenly.  If they want to be jerks, they can each take a small amount, leaving the bulk for the anchorman to drink.

It's a rather fun game that doesn't need much prep time or props, and can be played with any number of people (although I find it best to be played with 3 or 4 people per team).  Give it a try, and feel free to ask me any questions!

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