Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Case of the.... Lost - Episode 4-12

I hope everybody is having a nice Memorial Day weekend. We didn't have an episode of Lost this week, so here's my review of last week's episode to tide you over until the finale.

One of the comments I left from my March 24th, 2008 Lost episode review (Episode 4-8):

Call me stubborn, but until the series itself refers to him as one of the Oceanic Six — and by that I mean, within an episode, he is referred as such — I’m going to remain somewhat skeptical (based almost entirely on Jack’s testimony at Kate’s trial).

Well, consider this my official concession.


Kyle Litke said...

Isn't it possible that they're claiming three others survived the crash? The five, plus three others, and then Aaron comes later? That's what I assumed they were saying, but I may have missed something.

Matt Basilo said...


That's a distinct possibility. This episode didn't elaborate too much on the whole "8 people survived" story, however Jack's testimony at Kate's trial did.

His exact wording was: "Eight of us survived the crash....she tried to save the other two, but..." before getting cut off.

Check it out on this post:

Kyle Litke said...

I'm not sure if you caught the replay of this episode that aired right before the finale, but they added in a deleted scene that specifically named the other three. Boone, Libby, and Charlie were the "other three survivors" according to Jack, who died later on.

Interesting to me that they chose Libby instead of, say, Shannon, since they really didn't know Libby that well comparatively, and she was in a different part of the plane from the other survivors.

Matt Basilo said...

Kyle, I didn't see the extended episode, but I did read about it. I'm curious if this information is going to be integrated into the show's canon, or if it's just a fun little "extra," like the alternate endings to the finale.

I do find the choices curious, though. I had always assumed that Charlie was one of the survivors because he communicated with Penny, so theoretically outside people may discover that he didn't die in the crash. One must wonder what the significance of Boone and Libby are, though.

Kyle Litke said...

My guess is they were choosing "dead people" because while they had no expectations of anyone else coming back, there was always the POSSIBILITY that, say, Sawyer could get off the island and prove their entire story to be a lie. So Boone made since, and Libby made since from the "dead" side of it...just seemed an odd choice since they didn't know her that well and she was in the other section.

As for whether it's canon, I assume it is if they showed it in the extended episode. I don't think it's quite the same as the alternate endings...they'd never reshow the finale and add those in randomly, because they're not really part of the show. This was specifically inserted into the show...I can't imagine they'd do that if they had only filmed it and didn't mean for it to be shown.