Monday, May 5, 2008

What a massive tool

So Kanye West is bitching and complaining -- again -- about his genius not being fully appreciated. You see, Entertainment Weekly gave Kanye's concert a dreadful B+, and now the artist has gone and uninvited the publication from the rest of his concerts.

This is the guy who stated that the VMA's would lose credibility if he doesn't win an award. And when he didn't win the award (for the second year in a row), he argued to anybody that would listen that it's because he's black! Totally disregarding that Beyonce, Rihanna (with Jay-Z), and Gnarls Barkley took home awards in 2007, and Missy Elliot, Beyonce, Gnarls Barkley, and Chamillionaire were winners in 2006.

One must not also forget his latest shenanigans at the Grammys, where he chastised the production crew for having the nerve to play the "wrap it up" music in the midst of his acceptance speech (how DARE they!) And then after talking about how great he is for a minute or so, he slips in a little tribute to his mother, and -- again -- ranted about how it was in poor taste for them to be playing the music.

I'll go out on a limb and say it: Kanye West is the biggest douche bag celebrity there is. And there are a lot of pricks out there.

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