Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Here we go again....

A few months ago I defended Rachel Bilson (shocker) against her very vocal and mean spirited critics on Well, I've recently discovered that the posters at Just Jared are just as needlessly malicious and seem to hold her in just as much contempt. Some of these people are outrageously cruel, constantly posting comments about how ugly she is, how short she is, how she's the worst individual ever, and so on and so forth. It's like these people have this deep seeded hatred for her, just for existing. It's nothing she's done or said, it's just that she's alive in their world. To comprehend the ridiculous scrutiny she's under, consider that there are people on Just Jared that imply that she couldn't POSSIBLY care about the upcoming Presidential election or the war in Iraq because she's out shopping. Yeah, that makes sense....

Honestly, this backlash truly baffles me. Everybody loved her when she was on The O.C., so what's changed since then? It's not as if her acting abilities (whatever you may think of them)took a nose dive, so I don't understand why she's considered such a terrible actress now, but was so enjoyable in her role then. Along with that, it's not like she's been stuffed down our throats. She's been in, what, two movies in the past five years, and done a two-episode stint on Chuck. This is hardly like Ben Affleck, who was doing a minimum of three or four movies a year (honestly, take a look at his IMDb page, it's ridiculous).

To tell you the truth, the ONLY thing I can see that's different is her boyfriend. Despite the fact that Adam Brody is leaps and bounds cooler than Hayden Christensen, the latter is some revered teeny bopper sex symbol. The only conclusion I can draw is this vocal contingent is a group of fan girls that absolutely, positively hate this girl simply because she's dating somebody that they think is cute. And quite honestly, that's pathetic.

And if that's not the reason, then what is? The only other thing I can think of is that some people hate her so much because she's more successful than them. Or maybe it drives some females crazy that they personally don't find her attractive, while many men go on about how hot she is. If that's the case, are these people just so incredibly jealous of her that they must tear her apart like this? Listen, I can totally respect not finding her attractive, or not appreciating her acting, but if you can't just leave it at that and go on with your day, then there's obviously something deeper (and probably a little sad) about the issue. Just a few blog entries ago I mentioned how I find Scarlett Johansson odd looking, but it would never, ever occur to me to go to her IMDb page to say so. Or to insult her any time she's shown on an entertainment site.

Some people might argue, "But Matt, you've devoted entire entries to ripping apart Kanye West and Spike Lee, so what makes you any better?" The big difference there is that I don't dislike either of those individuals because they exist or because of their success. I just have a disdain for them because of what they say and how they act. On top of that, I can certainly appreciate many of Kanye West's songs and Spike Lee's films. I also have absolutely no problem whatsoever with either of them being recognized for their achievements, whether it be via loads of money, awards, or both. Again, the only time these individuals -- or any celebrity, really -- gets on my nerves is when they say and do asinine things (which, in their cases, seems to be quite often).

I find it ironic how the Internet Wrestling Community (or IWC) has a reputation for being overly negative, when in actuality, the Internet just seems to attract people who like to be negative and bring other people down. I don't know if Rachel Bilson is getting roles due to her looks, or her acting abilities, or nepotism, or because people genuinely enjoy working with her (the creator of Chuck wrote a guest starring role specifically for Rachel to play), but I don't see any reason why she doesn't deserve success. As one poster noted, how often is it that an actress (or actor, for that matter) in her mid-20's isn't plagued with constant drug and alcohol issues? The fact that she's managed to avoid scandal and seems to have a normal, healthy relationship with her family has seemingly become a rarity within the entertainment industry. Honestly, it's tremendously sad if there are people in the world that are so bitter and insecure that her mere existence -- or the fact that she's successful -- brings them such misery. Enough is enough, give the girl a break already.

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