Saturday, May 10, 2008

Returning to the zip code

Have you picked sides in the Rachel Bilson vs. Mila Kunis super duper hotness competition yet? If not, be sure to vote!

So according to People Magazine, Jennie Garth has officially signed on for the 90210 spin off series that will debut on the CW Network (yay! They survived the strike!) Upon hearing this news, a few people I know have sighed and shook their heads, as if Jennie Garth was lowering herself to appear on the series. Lets be honest: Aside from Dancing with the Stars, what has Jennie Garth really done? And don't even bring up that Amanda Bynes series. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the vast majority of people couldn't even give the name of her character.

What I found most interesting about the article, actually, was the fact that Ian Ziering and Tori Spelling are actively trying to attach themselves to the show. Should their characters join the show, I'm interesting in seeing how they will be written, since their series spouses have, thus far, shown no interest in appearing on the spin off.

If I could briefly turn in my hetero-card, I'd like to actually rant about one qualm I have with the original 90210 series, and that's the constant cop outs they've utilized when it comes to a character having to choose between two love interests. This is most apparent with the two central love triangles, namely Dylan, Kelly, and Brenda, and Kelly, Brandon, and Dylan.

Yes, I do realize that at one point, Dylan DID pick Kelly over Brenda -- and I commend the writers for having the character solidly make a decision -- but for the remainder of the series, they really avoided having to make that decision. They were clearly leading towards a Dylan/Brenda reunion before Shannon Doherty left, and once Brenda was written off, suddenly Dylan was undyingly devoted to Kelly again. And then when the Dylan character subsequently left, he was back to his old ways, shacking up with Brenda off screen. Naturally, when he returned, he was back to loving Kelly with all his heart. The writers also established a "what was Dylan doing this whole time" time line, which completely contradicted previous indications that he was still living and involved with Brenda.

The Kelly, Brandon, and Dylan affair was even worse, highlighted by that ridiculous "I choose me" crap. Kelly and Brandon didn't even reunite until after Dylan left, and likewise Dylan and Kelly didn't get back together until after Brandon left.

For what it's worth, I always felt like Dylan and Brenda belonged together, while Kelly and Brandon should have ended up together. Yes, there was an attraction and even passion between Kelly and Dylan, but that relationship truly seemed to lack the deep connection that Dylan shared with Brenda, and that Kelly shared with Brandon. To me, the love between Dylan and Kelly seemed very superficial.

Can I have my hetero-card back now? No? What do you mean I'm on probation?

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