Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Night Wrestling


9:06 - Right off the bat, I have to say it's strange seeing Austin in a plain black t-shirt. It'll be interesting to see what he gets away with. He's already said "Hell" and "Ass."

9:10 - One thing that strikes me is how, at one time, John Cena had been deemed the next Stone Cold Steve Austin. Here's a guy who was freestyling about John Ritter's death just days after he passed. But how different do they look now? Cena decked out in bright orange with a huge smile on his face? What a difference several years make.

9:17 - What's the over/under on the announcers being shocked when Cena lifts up Big Show? Even though we've seen him do it countless times. Including the very match they're "Rewinding."

9:34 - Austin + HBK + Jericho = Awesome. I also love the Smoking Skull belt in the background.

9:38 - I LOVE Kelly Kelly. Possibly my favorite Diva. But in the new edition of WWE Magazine she says "Love it!" to Jersey Shore and "Leave it!" to Lost. Seriously? I mean, really????

9:44 - I will admit, Simply Flawless is AWFULLY close to the Beautiful People. And I do hope that he rumors of unifying the Women's Championships are false. Truth be told, this division probably could maintain two titles.

9:58 - I'm going to work on my Lost Revisited column for a bit. Sorry if I don't update for a little.

10:04 - Loving the fact that the fans are buying into a face Edge.

10:11 - I'm glad they went through with the original plan of Orton vs. Rhodes vs. DiBiase. By the way, Orton and Batista both look better with shaved heads.

10:43 - Is Batista wearing his "Smackdown" trunks? I swear the Smackdown logo appears on the side of his trunks. It's really odd.

10:48 - I do have to wonder, did Kofi Kingston upset somebody? He's all but been left off of the WrestleMania card. By the way, I think that ref might get in trouble for not being more aggressive with the towel.


9:24 - I turned on the show and saw the Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart wrestling. Better luck next time!

9:36 - Kurt Angle looked a lot cooler with the scruffy beard.

9:46 - I do love Velvet Sky, I have to admit.

10:31 - I'm so not into Triple H and Orton, so I'm willing to give this a shot. But we're competing with a haircut? And has any wrestling personality had his head shaved more times than Bischoff? What is this, the third or fourth time? And we're still supposed to be shocked about it?



Javier Rivera said...

I'm hating the Super-Cena thing they're doing, last week they had him kick out of four different finishers and he kicks out the Chokeslam. And you wonder why people don't like Cena.

Javier Rivera said...

Over at Impact they have quite the main event, Jeff Hardy vs AJ Styles... that's a PPV quality match.

Matt Basilo said...

I think it was a mistake to give away Hardy vs. Styles. Why screw the pooch right off the bat? TNA goes on and on about how WWE is "panicking" about their move to Monday nights....but it looks like TNA is the one hitting the panic button.

Kyle Litke said...

I hate, hate, hate Super Cena. And it's even worse because even though he's virtually unstoppable except through a random fluke (oops slipped through a table!) or tons of interference/cheating (and even then he kicks out), he's somehow ALWAYS the underdog. It'd be like if the New York Yankees announcers seriously claimed the Yankees were underdogs against the Kansas City Royals.

I also just don't like Cena as squeaky clean babyface. I don't like his in ring style, his moves look so weak (like the back suplex where he just kind of lets go and drops them, or the shoulderblock that looks weak, or even his finisher which is ALMOST a Death Valley Driver but instead of driving them, he just kinda drops them on their back).

On another minor annoyance, I hate that they're continuing to claim last year was the 25th Anniversary of Wrestlemania. Is everyone in the entire company that dumb? Think about it. If someone gets married, what happens one year later? Is that their second anniversary? No, it's the first. This year is the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania, you don't count year one. It's not like it's a big deal, but seriously? In over a year not one person in that company has realized they're flat out factually incorrect?